Carrie Barone

Maine West 

Family Consumer Science Teacher 

Building Instructional Coach

 Welcome to my Maine West website.  My name is Carrie Barone and this is my 26th year teaching Family and Consumer Sciences.  I have taught a variety of  FCS classes including Consumer Education, Culinary Arts, Work Program, Internship, Medical Terminology, and Exploring the Teaching Profession. This year, I will continue to run the Preschool Practicum program, teach a section of Culinary 1, and serve as an Instructional Coach for a 5th year.  I'm also married and we have a 12 year old boy in 6th grade!   I am thankful for the continued opportunity to learn and grow through teaching and coaching.  

Contact Information:


Maine West High School

1755 S. Wolf Road                                                                                                         

Des Plaines, IL 60018