Student News

Incoming M.S. student and dietetic intern Laurel Simone has been selected as the outstanding undergraduate student by the Maine Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Kathryn Cutting, B.S. 2017 and M.S. student and Dietetic Intern, has been selected for a Graduate School Trustee Tuition Waiver for 2017-2018. Kate is the FSN Outstanding M.S. Student for 2018!

Emily Duran-Frontera, B.S. 2017, M.S. student and Dietetic Intern, is the recipient of the University of Maine's Thurgood Marshall Scholarship and the 2018 Maine Nutrition Council Graduate Scholarship. Emily and her classmates' efforts to promote nutrition were highlighted in a press release about the Maine Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Legislative Breakfast.

Chantel Banus, M.S. 2017, presented the poster Food neophobia among northeast USA consumers of seaweed at the 12th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium in Providence, Rhode Island on August 21.

Christopher Gendron, M.S. 2011, is now Vice President of Product Development at Complete Nutrition, Omaha, Nebraska.

Amy Ryan and Aaron Johnson received their M.S. degrees in Food Science and Human Nutrition in May, 2017.

MS student and dietetic intern Chantel Banus was interviewed about her research on consumer interest in seaweed aka sea vegetables.

Chantel Banus and Amy Ryan were featured in a video on advocacy by dietitians.

Thesis titles of recent graduates:

Consumer Acceptability of Oat and Barley Recipes in Older Adults Amy Ryan (2017)

Phytonutrient Content and Consumer Attitudes of Purple-Fleshed Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) and Consumer Attitudes Towards Low-Acrylamide French Fries. Aaron M. Johnson (2017)

An Evaluation of the Long-term Knowledge and Behavior Change of Participants in UMaine Extension's Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program, Rebecca L. Bonnett (2016)

Pilot Study: Nanocellulose as a Fat Replacer in Ice Cream, Derek A. Ford (2015)

Whole Grain Likability Among Undergraduate College Students, Thomas Joseph Mellette (2015)