2017 Summer Internship Program Unpaid Internships, Island Institute

Post date: Apr 4, 2017 7:18:48 PM

Multiple positions, visit http://www.islandinstitute.org/jobs for details.

2017 Summer Internship Program Unpaid internships at the Institute provide opportunities for college students to learn more about careers in such fields as fisheries management and fisheries policy, education, renewable energy and energy efficiency, climate change, community/economic development, publications/media, and more.

Benefits to students include:

• Gaining valuable learning and career experience under the guidance of an Island Institute mentor; • Developing skills to match classroom-based theoretical learning;

• Making connections that can lead to future career and academic opportunities;

• Giving their résumés a boost with experiences relevant to career interests; and

• Assessing their interest and abilities to make more informed decisions about their next steps.

The 2017 Internship Program will focus on the Institute’s three major strategic-plan priority areas:

1) Strengthening community economies by assisting Maine’s remote coastal and year-round island communities gain a clear sense of the types of economic growth they seek and better understand the successful approaches that other communities have taken to diversify their economies. The goals are to attract individuals who want to launch and grow small businesses, and give households more access to the resources and expertise to scale a business to its full potential by reaching markets far beyond their communities while retaining highly skilled and high-paying jobs close to home.

2) Enhancing the workforce of the future by helping all island and remote coastal communities reach the level of quality demonstrated by the top-performing schools found on several Maine islands. The goal is to help communities offer a high-quality education to students of all ages, including fishing families looking to diversify their businesses.

3) Exploring and sharing solutions for sustaining communities by supporting local leaders in the development of energy, marine, education, community development and economic development solutions targeting issues in their communities. An ancillary goal is to share “what works” by delivering a range of media experiences: short videos, news of the islands and coast from The Working Waterfront print and online editions, features on island life and culture from the Island Journal and curated “What Works” solutions on a new Island and Coastal Solutions Library.

Interns selected for the 2017 program should anticipate committing to a minimum of 300 hours of service during the 12-week period between June 15 and September 4, working under the direction of one of our program directors.

Interested candidates should check the Internships section on the Jobs page of the Institute’s website (http://www.islandinstitute.org/jobs) on a regular basis to view current opportunities.

If students do not see any opportunities listed that match their academic and/or career interests, they can contact Nancy McLeod Carter, human resources specialist at the Institute, ncarter@islandinstitute.org, with a brief proposal that contains the following:

1. Introduction: A two-paragraph (maximum) description of the student’s academic interests and experience, and any other background information that would establish his or her ability to successfully complete a summer internship.

2. Project Overview: A two-paragraph (maximum) description of the idea the student has for the proposed internship with a bulleted list of the 3-5 academic/personal goals for the project.

Nancy will forward all proposals to the appropriate program director(s) for consideration and will respond to interested students within five (5) business days.