Amazing Grace Project


"A joint venture between Biola University and UC Davis. Sponsored by John Templeton Foundation. Kindling a science of grace!" RIchmont professors and students have joined in to contribute to this project. "The overall goal of the project is to investigate how humanly experienced divine grace has the capacity to profoundly enhance and elevate human flourishing. Our working hypothesis is that belief in, and experience of, divine grace enables a person to flourish psychologically, relationally, physically, and spiritually." (quoted material is from the project's Facebook page.)


The project's main website is here. The site further explains the project, has a list of publications and other links to the ongoing work.One of the projects is developing a scale to measure grace so that research will be possible. Richmont students have worked in this areas with their professors. Another project is a bibliography of grace resources. A preliminary bibliography from Dr. Emmons is attached to this page.

Richmont Contributions

Drs. Timothy Sizemore and Amanda Blackburn of Richmont recently helped write an article on grace that was published in 2016.

Preliminary Analyses of Three Measures of Grace: Can They be Unified? By: Bufford, Rodger K.; Blackburn, Amanda M.; Sisemore, Timothy A.; Bassett, Rodney L. Journal of Psychology & Theology. Summer2015, Vol. 43 Issue 2, p86-97. 12p. 4 Charts, 1 Graph. , Database: Professional Development Collection

Grace is an interesting and potentially significant domain within positive psychology, but remains largely neglected. The present study examined the relationships among three known grace scales t... .

This project is ongoing.