Cmst 1A Totally Online (Fall 2021)

Starting in Spring 2019 I am also offering for the first time ever totally online CMST 1A classes every semester. There are no FTF meetings for these classes. Instead, we upload videos of the required speeches. The course is offered through CCSF Canvas. We will use the same book by Lucas as the hybrid class. For more details please email

Please note that for Sami's totally online / entirely online CMST 1A online classes there are no face to face meetings fall 2020:

➤CRN 72743 931 Onl HOURS Start and End Times:Aug 31, 2020 - Dec 18, 2020 Kudsi, O This class is part of CityOnline. For more information about CityOnline go to https://online. CMST 1A Sec 931 is a purely online class with no FTF mandatory meetings. For course details students must check instructor’s website edu/sami-kudsi/home. For information about online course go to

➤CRN 74775 932 Onl HOURS Start and End Times:Aug 31, 2020 - Dec 18, 2020 Kudsi, O CMST 1A-Sec 932 is an online class with no FTF mandatory meetings. This class is part of CityOnline. For course details students must check instructor’s website edu/samikudsi/home. For information about online course go to

➤CRN 78114 933 Onl HOURS Start and End Times:Aug 31, 2020 - Dec 18, 2020 Kudsi, O CMST 1A-Sec 932 is an online class with no FTF mandatory meetings. This class is part of CityOnline. For course details students must check instructor’s website edu/samikudsi/home. For information about online course go to

➤CRN 78113 934 Onl HOURS Start and End Times:Oct 26, 2020 - Dec 18, 2020 Kudsi, O CMST 1A-Sec 932 is an online class with no FTF mandatory meetings. This class is part of CityOnline. For course details students must check instructor’s website edu/samikudsi/home. For information about online course go to

Link to CCSF Canvas (CCSF's Learning Management System for Online Courses)


As is the case with all of Professor Kudsi's classes, he will be offering an optional honors project in Speech 1A for students that are members of the CCSF Honors Program. This project is not required of all students. Please see the Canvas page for details. No honors contracts are offered in the summer.

Textbook Information:

ART OF PUBLIC SPEAKING (Without Connect Access Code)

Art of Public Speaking (w/out Connect Plus Access) Edition: 12th

Author: Lucas

ISBN: 9780073523910

Copyright Year: 2015

Publisher: McGraw-Hill

The textbook can be purchased from the CCSF bookstore. Please click here for more details on the bookstore:

The textbook is required.

The Connect access code is not required.

You do not need an access code for the supplemental materials.

Some students have chosen in the past to purchase the e book instead of the hard copy paper version. Use this option if you are comfortable reading the book online, and don't care about having a printed text.