Child Growth and Development


The Summer 2024 section of this course is from June 10th to July 22nd . This class is part of CityOnline and has a shorter semester. There are no scheduled in-person meetings and it requires the use of Canvas. All coursework is completed on Canvas using an internet enabled device. For more information about CityOnline, please visit the CityOnline website.

The class and wait list are generally very full. There is an electronic wait list until the first day of instruction. After that there is an an updated process for requesting to add. Here is the very detailed Wait list Information FAQ.

This CCSF Learning Online Resource Guide has lots of useful information for both new and experienced Canvas users as well as links to other services such as Disabled Students Programs and Services.  


This was the first on-line course in the Child Development and Family Studies Department at City College, and I am very pleased to be teaching it.

The text for the course is Development of Children and Adolescents by Hauser-Cram, Nugent, Thies and Travers. 1st edition (2014). The CCSF Bookstore is carrying a soft cover black and white version. It is also available in loose-leaf format and as an ebook, and is widely available online. There are many versions of the text but only one edition, so the ISBNs will vary.

In addition to the text there will be required readings and videos in Canvas. Assignments include a weekly forum and quiz, two short papers, two child observations, a midterm and a final. There is a sample syllabus attached at the bottom of this page. 

Looking forward to meeting you!


CDEV 53 Online Sample syllabus.doc