City College of San Francisco

MATH 95 Hybrid (Summer  & Fall 2024)

Click for a preview of course materials and limited information for Chapter 6 for Summer 2024 (info on Fall 2024 coming soon)

Are you ready for a primarily online class? How well online/hybrid courses work for you depends on many factors including your computer skills, time management skills, motivation, study skills, and learning style. Online/hybrid learning isn’t for everyone, but many students have thrived in the independence that comes with online/hybrid learning.

How does the format of this class work? Students will learn the course material by watching instructional videos, participating in online forums, reading the textbook, and completing online assignments. We will have online participation that is mandatory to remain enrolled in the class in the form of online forums where you can ask and answer questions from classmates and myself. In addition to forum posts, we will have online homework assignments, quizzes and two exams. We will end the semester with a cumulative IN PERSON final exam.

To successfully complete our course, you should expect to spend at least 9 hours per week on the course materials. Please don’t underestimate the time commitment.

Adding the Class
Adding priority will be given to students on the waiting list (via MyRam). Please complete an Add Request (also on MyRam) and I will approve it should space in the class be available. 

Drop Policy
Students who do not complete the initial Introduction Post on Canvas by the end of the first week will be dropped. Beyond the first week of the semester students will be dropped if they do not complete an exam by the specified due date. 

Final Exam - Summer 2024
The final exam will be completed IN PERSON on the following date/time:
CRN 53755: Friday, July 19, from 1:10pm to 4pm in HC 201.
**A final exam score lower than 60% will automatically prevent you from passing the course.

Final Exam - Fall 2024
The final exam will be completed IN PERSON on the following date/time:
CRN 71056: Tuesday, December 17, from 6:10pm to 8pm in HC 214.
CRN 72485: Thursday, December 19, from 6:10pm to 8pm in HC 214.
**A final exam score lower than 60% will automatically prevent you from passing the course.

We'll be using the learning management system Canvas for our class communication and learning. This is where many of our important class resources (eBook, videos, online discussions forums, homework, quizzes, tests, etc.) will be located. Canvas is our way of communicating to each other and keeping track of what's happening in the class. Need help with Canvas? You can contact the Canvas Support Hotline (844) 592-2198 available 24/7. Your Canvas username is your CCSF ID and password is your Ram ID password.

Assignments, Quizzes & Chapter Tests
As mentioned above, assignments, quizzes, and tests will be available on Canvas. We will use the online program WebAssign to complete these assignments. Instructions on gaining access to WebAssign is on the course syllabus.