Preschool / Child Find Screenings - FALL AND SPRING

The Lynnfield Public Schools sponsors free Child Find screenings for children ages 3 through 5. Parents who suspect their children may have a disability or may not be developing skills at age-appropriate times may wish to have them screened at a Child Find Screening. Specialists screen children’s overall development, including speech and language, motor skills and learning. Results are shared with parents and are confidential.

Screenings will be held by appointment and one session will be held in the FALL and one in the SPRING.

Dates will be advertised in advance.

Does your child need student services?

Dear Parents,

If you have any concerns about your preschool age child's development, please contact the Lynnfield Preschool. Our staff offers screenings of your child in order to help determine if there may be a need for a special education evaluation. Typically, the best time for us to screen students is when they are 2.9 years of age. However, our staff is here as a resource for you at any time. Please contact Emily Babon, Preschool Team Chair, to discuss your concerns and she will be able to guide you through the process. Her contact information is

Emily Babon -

If you suspect your school age child has a disability, please contact the assigned Team Chair. The Team Chairs can be found on our Contacts tab.

Parent's Notice of Procedural Safeguards

A Parent’s Guide to Special Education. Written by the Federation for Children with Special Needs in collaboration with the Massachusetts Department of Education, the Guide is meant to serve as a resource for parents, and the organizations that serve them.