PowerSchool Parent User Guide

Many parents have been experiencing difficulty in logging onto our parent portal section of Power school. The problem stems from an upgrade in the program that has left current parent user names and passwords invalid. Students are being sent home with new passwords and user names on Friday, September 23rd for all parents, along with directions on how to log in and crate an account. Parents that have already created accounts for their students should not be affected.

To Create a Parent Account

  1. Go to the PowerSchool login page (also in the Important Links section in the page sidebar)
  2. Click on the Create Account button (Important: do not put any information into the Username and Password boxes).
  3. Enter your First Name, Last Name, Email, a Desired Username of your own creation, and a Password of your own creation
  4. In the table at the bottom, enter your student's name, your Parent ID and Parent Password that were provided on your letter, and your relationship to the student. Tip: Make sure you use capital letters, noting especially the difference between the letter “O” and the number “0”. (You will note the O is bigger). Also, the letter “I” and the number “1”.
  5. Press Enter to create the account

You can now log into PowerSchool using the Desired Username and Password of your own creation. Other parents and guardians can also create accounts if you provide them with your Parent ID and Parent Password.

Your student can log in directly to PowerSchool using the Student ID and Student Password that was provided in your letter without going through the process of account creation.

For even more information about using the Parent Portal, click here for the official PowerSchool Parent Portal User Guide.