Two Week Look Ahead

Two Week Look Ahead - March 22, 2019

It’s always a welcome sight to have the daylight last longer and the temperature becoming warmer. Spring is also an incredibly busy time for students and parents. Between homework, sports, music, drama, MCAS and Advanced Placement testing, and planning for graduation the schedule is packed.


Our first round of 10th grade MCAS will begin next week. On Tuesda y(3/26/19) and Wednesday (3/27/19) 10th grade students will participate in ELA online MCAS sessions one and two. Students have worked hard and are prepared for these exams. I would ask that all 10th grade students please get a goodnight sleep Monday night and have a nutritious breakfast Tuesday & Wednesday morning so they are prepared to do their best on the MCAS test. Since the test is online the will be using their school issued chromebooks to participate in the testing process. Because the test is online we ask that all 10th grade students make sure their chromebooks are charged and ready to go on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. We also ask that students bring their chromebook chargers to school on those two days just in case they need to charge their chromebooks. If a student does not have a chromebook we will provide the student a chromebook so they can still participate in the exam process. I am always encouraged to see how courteous and respectful that our students are when they are not taking MCAS. They are quiet in the hallways and extremely flexible in the way they handle schedule changes and room changes to allow MCAS testing to occur in certain wings of the building. Our students “get it.” This is a testament to what has been instilled in them over the course of their lives by parents, teachers, and other role models. I want to give a sincere thank you to all who shape our students’ lives.

Senior Center:

2018 Red Sox World Series Trophy is coming to the EAGLE HOUSE SENIOR COMMUNITY CENTER. EAGLE HOUSE SENIOR COMMUNITY CENTER 25 Memorial drive, Lunenburg, MA 01462. SUNDAY APRIL 7, 2019 from 2:30-4:30. ADMISSION PRICE - $5.00 per family

** Bring your camera and have your picture taken with the trophy!

ALL PROCEEDS GO TO BENEFIT THE: Eagle House Supporters Inc.

Public Hearing/Town Meeting:

A public hearing on the FY20 proposed budget will take place on Wednesday, April 3, 2019, 7:00 p.m., at the Town Hall


The LHS Band and Chorus will be participating in the state-wide MICCA festival on Friday and Saturday, April 5th and 6th. Best of luck to our musicians!

Guidance/Scheduling Information:

Lunenburg High School Course Selection & Registration Process for 2019-2020

  • Program of Studies available online March…..
  • Course Selection & Registration Presentation:

- Grades 10 & 11 - Thurs, March 28 - during Advisory

- Grade 9 - Tuesday, April 2 - during Advisory

- Grade 8 TBD

  • Teacher Recommendation Days - April 3, 4 & 5

*** Teacher Recommendation Days are designated only to courses requiring a teacher recommendation for content area classes, English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Foreign Language.

- Students will enter all other (elective) classes through Powerschool on a date be determined.

- Teacher recommendations can be viewed in Powerschool once teacher and student have discussed the recommendation.

- School Counselors will be meeting with students individually and in small groups beginning April 8 to review and discuss recommendations, class selections, and future planning.

- Notification will be sent once schedules are finalized and available online.


Earlier this week, we started spring sport tryouts. I want to wish all our spring sport teams’ good luck for the upcoming season.

STUCO, Horticulture & Galapagos Information:

Kyle Weiss of the LHS Student Council has submitted nomination papers to run for the Vice- President of the Central District Massachusetts Association of Student Councils. Good luck to Kyle! Some of the members will be attending the CDMASC Spring Conference as well.

The Horticulture students entered the Boston flower show and earned a plethora of prizes. The students also visited the show in Boston on a field trip last Wednesday. Here are the following prize winners:

Boston Flower Show 2019 Winners

Cultural Certificates:

Allyson Joseph

Britney Randall

First Place:

Joanne Badran x2

Sam Dorais

Victoria Katis

Bri Picazio

Derek Robbins

Second Place:

Tori Allen

Brandon Antinori

Melinda Cormier x2

Theresa Dean

Allyson Joseph x 2

Alli Maio

Shannon Manuel

Donovan Powell

Britney Randall

Derek Robbins

Colton White

Third Place:

Brandon Antinori

Shannon Manuel

Bri Picazio

Matt Schofield

Colton White

Honorable Mention:

Emily Croteau

Kathy Miller

Britney Randall

Galapagos Trip June 2020

There is still time to sign up and join Ms. Gearin on the June 2020 trip to the Galapagos Island trip. It is a 9 day, most expenses paid trip for $3655. Please enroll at BEFORE MARCH 29, 2019 for best pricing.

Community Service Learning Night:

Mrs. Foyle’s community service learning class will be having a student presentation night on April 10, 2019, from 5pm-8pm at LHS.

Rob McGrath
