Two Week Look Ahead

Two Week Look Ahead - November 16, 2018

It’s hard to believe that we are already into second term. Our fall sports season has ended. The winter sports season is right around the corner. The new date for the PowderPuff game will be Tuesday, November 20. The Faculty will be playing the Student Council at 6:00 pm. At 7:00 pm, the main event will take place. The Junior girls take on the Senior girls in the highly anticipated flag football game. Boys from the football team assist with coaching and refereeing. Admission to the games will be either a monetary donation of $5.00 or two canned goods, which will be donated to the Lunenburg Food Pantry.

Next week, we will hold an Academic Achievement Rally, which coincides with the annual Thanksgiving football game. At the rally, we will recognize students who made honor roll for the first term, Abigail Adams Award winners, and students recognized by the Nation Merit Scholarship Program. Students will play various games and then we will get psyched up for our Thanksgiving football game. This year, our Thanksgiving football game will be played on Wednesday, November 23 at 6:00 pm at Quabbin Regional High School. Go Blue Knights!

Our “Gift Card Drive” is well underway but we still have a way to go to reach our goal. Please help us to help our community who is affected by the Gift Mart closing. We are accepting gift cards from any store and amount of your choice. Every little bit adds up to a lot! Cards can be brought into any school office, Town Hall, or the police station. Let’s all ban together during this holiday season of giving. Thank you so much to all of you who have already given. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

The annual tree lighting ceremony will be at the town gazebo Thursday, November 29, 2018 6:00 p.m. Come join in the festivities and caroling at the Annual Tree Lighting. This year the Students are baking treats and making hot chocolate that will be sold that night. All proceeds are donated to the Lions club to help people in need around the holidays. This event is organized by the School, Fire, Police, & DPW Departments with support from the Lunenburg Turkey Hill Lion’s Club, area businesses, and community members.

The LHS Cross-Country team finished the season with many excellent performances on both the boys and girls teams, in both league and district championship meets. Four runners earned four Mid-Wach League All-Star recognition for performances at the league championship: Michael Alleva, Lauren Long, Abby Rodriquenz, and Ava Pilon. At the district championship, two runners finished in the top 25. Lauren Long finished in 17th place and Michael Alleva was 21st.

On Election Day, we had a Professional Development Day. It was a really great day! Our teachers facilitated various trainings that centered on the use of technology. Some of the workshops were: Google Classroom, Google Expeditions & Newsela, Google forms, using Padlet & Adobe Spark, Pear Deck & Quizlet, Edpuzzle, Flippity & SketchUp and several more tech opportunities. The time spent on the technology was productive teachers are excited to learn how to incorporate technology into their classrooms.

On November 7th the LHS National Honor Society inducted several new members. The students who were inducted are as follows: Jacob Bremer, Jillian DeFrancesco, Isabel Ellison, Cooper Mathews, Rose Beardmore, Justin Boussom, Emilee Bursch, Claire Delaney, Jinnie Do, Emily Dumford, Abigail Harrison, Katherine Harrison, Anthony Iannacci, Mason Infantino, Juliette Laford, Abigail Laine, Yu-Chi Liang, Kenzie Mannone, Jenna Morse, Shane Murphy, Breda Page-Violette, Julia Pilon, Britney Randall, Lucianna Rawlinson, Lane Torosian, Peyton Whitaker.

Mr. Stevenson ran an LMHS mock election. The results from the mock election are in. First we’ll start with the ballot questions.

  • Question 1 sought to implement nurse to patient ratios. The result was 127 Yes, 279 No. So, according to Lunenburg students, Question 1 should not become law.
  • Question 2 sought to establish a citizens commission to recommend an amendment to the US Constitution to lead to the overturning of the Citizens United v. FEC decision. The result was 243 Yes, 160 No, so, according to Lunenburg High School students, that commission should be created.
  • Question 3 sought to remove “gender identity” from a list of prohibited grounds from discrimination. A Yes, would keep the law as is which does include “gender identity” as a protected group from discrimination, a No vote would remove that law. The result was 243 Yes, 162 No. So, Lunenburg High School students want to keep “gender identity” as a protected group from discrimination.

And now the elected offices…

  • For State Rep., Jen Benson (D) is running unopposed. She won with 339 votes.
  • For State Senator, the incumbent (R), Dean Tran won with 243 votes to the (D) Susan Chalifoux-Zephir’s 136 votes.
  • For US Representative, the (R) Rick Green won with 176 votes to the (D) Lori Trahan’s 120 votes. The independent Mike Mullen won 81 votes.
  • For US Senator, the incumbent (D) Elizabeth Warren won with 192 votes to the ( R ) Geoff Diehl’s 124 votes. The Independent Shiva Ayyadurai received 59 votes.
  • And finally, for Governor, the incumbent ( R) Charlie Baker won with 317 votes to the (D) Jay Gonzalez’s 68 votes. Governor was the most lopsided contested election.

Overall, 51% of all Lunenburg Middle-High School students voted. Thank you for your participation.

I hope everyone takes time over the Thanksgiving break to spend time with family and friends and give thanks to the positive people in our lives. Sharing with those people a kind word or two on the impact they have had on you will go a long way in making someone’s day. Be safe and have a Happy Thanksgiving!


Rob McGrath

LHS Principal