Meet the K-1 Teachers

My name is Kirsten Snape (yes, thankfully I am a huge Harry Potter fan!) and I am an almost lifelong resident of Lunenburg.  I was fortunate enough to grow up and attend school here like you!  I have two children who I like to talk about.  V recently graduated from Roger Williams University and is working in the mental health field,  and Jamieson is a Junior at the University of Maine, OronoI really should say I have two adults but that is crazy! I also have two cats named Bella and Kali, you will hear a lot about them because I love cats and they do lots of funny things that I like to share.  I am so excited to have you in my Kindergarten class this year and I can't wait to start.  

I hope you are excited to make new friends, learn new things, and have lots of fun in K-1!