About Me

Evan Biddulph

Subjects: 6th, 7th, 8th Grade STEM Engineering, 7th and 8th Grade Digital Video, 8th Grade Woods, TSA Club.

Education: Bachelor of Science from Brigham Young University, Provo Utah in Technology Teacher Education, 2004. Master of Education in Learning and Technology, Western Governors University, 2008.

Bio: I have been teaching at Euclid since 2005. I come from a long line of inventors. In the 1800's, I have an ancestor that helped invent the modern spoked wheel. My grandpa Biddulph helped save the war with Germany by inventing sonar for underwater submarines, the first “Siri” for voice recognition, and stereo sound on movies. I am the 7th of 8 siblings – 7 boys and 1 girl! My sister was a nutritionist in college in 1986, and created “powerful bars” to hand out at sporting events – the name stuck and she invented the PowerBar! I grew up in New Jersey from 6 months to 18 years old. I grew up on a cul-d-sac and was holding onto my brother’s newspaper basket on his bicycle when I was 7 years old, we wiped out, and I got a scar on my cheek. I’ve always liked school a lot. I even created a comic book about my middle school days. In high school, I never missed a day, I have never drank alcohol, have never said a swear word. I like “perfect streaks” I guess. I went to college at BYU in Utah and graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Technology Teacher Education. I took 2 years away from school during college to serve as a volunteer representative in northern Ohio. I have a Masters in Education in Learning and Technology from Western Governor's University. During my last semester of college, my professor heard of a job opening in Littleton Colorado, so the Principal flew me out to interview at Euclid (these were the days before “Zoom”, "Google Meet", and “FaceTime”). After my first year of teaching, I met my wife Hilary, and a little over a year later we were married. After 6 years of teaching technology, I moved to 6th grade Math and Science for 9 years. I’m now happy since 2018 to be back teaching STEM education! I was honored in 2013 to be the Technology Student Association “Teacher of the Year” even though I was teaching Math and Science! Our TSA club has been in the top 3 in the state every year I have been teaching. My hobbies are baseball, collecting sugar packets, and learning any new technology. I also enjoy games and Virtual Reality. I have 3 wonderful children (a daughter born in 2009, a son born in 2010, and another daughter born in 2015) who are amazing. I’m proud to be their dad.

Voice Mail: 303-734-6105

Email: ebiddulph@lps.k12.co.us


Euclid TSA Website

Euclid News Network Videos
