

TEACHER: Mr. Lienemann COURSE: Trig / Pre-Calc OFFICE HOURS: Periods 7 and 8

If you are in need of extra assistance or would like to come in and just sit down and talk, you will usually find me in the Mathematics office, or in room W-1529. Arranging an appointment in advance would be advantageous to both of us. My door is always open.


I expect students to be both academically and socially responsible. Politeness and common courtesy are the rules governing each of our behavior. A cooperative atmosphere of understanding, caring and respect will enhance both learning and teaching. I expect a spirit of individual effort and team cooperation to accomplish the task of learning Trigonometry / Pre-Calculus I expect you to:

1. Give enough effort to achieve academic success.

2. Complete all assigned tasks on time.

3. Make sure you understand the assignment and seek assistance from me during free time when the material seems to difficult to understand.

4. Be a good listener. The daily dialog among students and myself is for everyone. You may choose not to listen, but do not prevent others from hearing.

5. Do your own work. (See academic dishonesty policy in student calendar)

6. You must receive a D or better to continue to the next level of math.


Our google classroom will be used for everything. If you are absent, please be sure to check the GC for anything due. All material is expected to be completed by the due date, even if you miss class.


Bring the following required materials to class each day: Student calendar, three ring binder, spiral notebook, lined paper, graph paper, computer/chromebook, pencil, and calculator (preferably a graphing but not required) Cell phones cannot be used for calculators!


Grades will be based on the total number of points accumulated over the semester from homework checks, quizzes, tests, and a cumulative final.

I will use the standard grading scale. 90 – 100=A, 80 – 89=B, etc.

Extra credit will not be offered and retakes will but up to teacher discretion. (Students must first show progress before given a retake)


Make up testing will be available in the math office periods 1-6 during the school day.

**Missing the class period before a test or quiz does not preclude you from taking the test at the scheduled time. Be sure to check the GC for any missed reviews or notes.


Understanding the material that is on the homework is critical to being successful in this class. If you do not understand the material from class or homework, PLEASE try some alternate resources. Here are a few suggestions:


- Search the same topic in youtube videos

- Email met to set up and appointment for extra help

I look forward to a fun and educational year!