IB Math Studies SL

Bring a calculator, black pens, pencils, and a ruler to the exam. You are also allowed to bring a protractor, if you have one.

Due date: Assignment:

8/19/14 Summer Review Packet

8/20/14 Quiz over Summer Review Packet/ Print Formula Book

8/26/14 160: 1,2 ; 164-5: 1, 2, 4 ; 166-7: 1, 2

8/29/14 6D: 1-3a ; 6E1: 7, 10-14 ; 6E2: 1, 2 ; 6E3: 2, 3 ; 6E4: 3 ; 6F: 3, 4 6G1 and 2: Choose 2

from each

9/2/14 6H: 4, 5 ; 6I.1: 4 ; 6I.2: 3, 6I.3: 2 - Study Chapter 6 - Quiz Tuesday!!

9/8/14 7A: 1-9ai; 7B: 1-4c; 7C: 1-6, 10, 12

9/12/14 7D-G and Study for Chapter 7 Quiz. Review Session Thursday after school in Room121.

9/17/14 9A1:1, 3, 4; 9A2: 2, 3; 9B: 1b, 2a, 3b; 9C1: 3, 5; 9C2: 2; 9D1: 4-6; 9D2: 3, 4; 9E: 3-8

9/19/14 9F: 1, 7; 9G1: 1, 6a; 9G2: 4, 5; 9G3: 5; 9H: 2, 7

9/24/14 9I: 1, 2, 4; 9J: 2d, 4, 7; 9K: 2, 3, 4

9/24/14 Chapters 6, 7, 9 Test

9/30/14 10A: 1, 6, 7; Start thinking about IA (Powerpoint and Checklist below)

10/1/14 10B: 1, 8; 10C: 2, 8; 11A: 4, 6

10/3/14 11B1: 2, 4; 11B2: 1, 11B3: 4; 11C: Choose one; 11D: Choose one

10/7/14 IA Introduction DUE!!!

Here is a link to the IA rubric: Link

11E1: 1-3; 11E2: Choose 3; 11E3: 1, 2; 11E4: 1, 2

10/8/14 Chapter 10 and 11 Quiz (Reviews are below)

10/13/14 8A1: 2a-e, 3a-b, 5c; 8A2: 1c, 2, 3; 8B1: 1-3 (only parts a and b); 8B2: 1-6 (only parts a and

b), 8, 9, 12, 13

10/15/14 8C1: 2, 5, 6; 8C2: 1, 5; 8D: 2b, 3b, 5a-d, f, 6a-c, 8b

10/21/14 8E:1a-c, 3-6; 8F1: 2ai, 3-5; 8F2: 1, 3, 5 AND Study chapter 8 for quiz!!!

10/24/14 More IA parts due!!

10/28/14 Choose 2 parts (a, b, c, d... etc) from each problem on 3a1, 3a2, 3b, and 3c.

10/31/14 Choose 2 parts (a, b, c, d... etc) from each problem on 3d, 3e, and 3f.

10/31/14 In Class Assignment: 4A: 2,3,4(e-h only); 4B1: 1,2 (e-h only); 4B2: Choose 2 parts for each problem; 4B3: 1e-h; 4C: 1-4 Choose 3 parts for each problem; 4E: 6-10

11/7/14 4F: Choose 1, 4G1: 3f,g, 4c,e; 4G2: 3ai, bi, 4

11/11/14 4D: 2; 4H1: 2a-c, 3; 4H2: 2a-c, 3; 4H3: 1a-c; 4H4: 2e, 4a-c; 4I: 5-8 AND IA Calculations

11/12/14 4J1: 1d, e, g, 2f-h; 4J2: 1e, 2h,i, l; 4J3: 2a, b, 4a,e; 4J4: 1, 8; 5A: 1a,c, 2a,c,f; 5B: 1c, 3f, g, 4c, 5

11/14/14 5C: 2, 5, 7a,e, 8a,b, 9, 14; 5D1: 2, 5, 6, 8, 9a,b, 10b; 5D2: Choose 2

11/14/14 In Class Assignment: 5E1: 2, 4a,c, 7, 11 and 5E2: 1, 3a, b, 4, 5

11/18/14 Breakfast and Review Day (see review below - ch3-5 Review and Answers)

11/19/14 IA draft with you in class for Peer editing

11/24/14 IA rough draft due!!!

12/5/14 5f1: 4, 6 5F2: 6, 8, 9 5G: 3-5

12/15/14 IA Final Draft due!!

1/9/15 Review Sets 13A and 13B

1/13/15 Review Set 13C: 1-6, Review Set 13D: 7-11

1/14/15 Review Set 14A, Review Set 14B: 5, 6

1/20/15 15B.1: 2(Choose 2 parts), 4; 15B.2: 2(choose 4 parts), 4; 15B.3: 1(Choose 4 parts), 3,


1/23/15 15C.1: 1c-e, 3, 4, 7, 8; 15C.2: 2; 15D: Choose 6 (2 must be between 8-12)

1/27/15 15E: 2-4, 15E.2: 3b,d; 15 F: 1a, 2, 4

1/28/15 15G: 1, 2, 4; 15 H.1: 2; 15H.2: 2, 3; 15I; 1-7 odd

2/4/15 16A: 1-4; 16B: 1-4 (d only), 5c-e, 6, 9-12

2/6/15 16C: 1, 2g-l; 16D: 3, 5-7

2/10/15 17A: 3c, 4c,d, 5a,b, 6a,b; 17B: 2, 3

2/11/15 17D: 1; 17E: 1c,d,2a-d; 17F: 1a-c; 17G: 3a-f, i

2/17/15 17I: Choose any 3 parts, 17J: 3-10 any 5

3/3/15 Chapter 18 Project and Book problems

3/10/15 19A: 3d-f; 19B: 1-3

3/13/15 19C: All, 19D: 2c-e, 4c,d, 5 ; 19E: 2d-f, 3, 7, 8

3/20/15 20A.1: 2-4, 20A.2: 1, 2; 20B.1: 1, 20B.2: 1, 4

3/31/15 20C:1-4

4/3/15 20D: 2-16

4/7/15 20E: 2b,d,e-4; 20F: 4-6

4/8/15 21A: 1,2 (a, c, e, g, i, k for both)

4/10/15 21B: 1, 3, 4, 5(choose 3), 6, 7, 8, 9a, 10

4/14/15 21C.1: 1, 4-6; 21C.2: 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9

4/15/15 21D.1: Odds

4/17/15 Review for quiz - see answers below (Derivative Review Answers)

4/22/15 I posted the solutions to the derivatives quiz below. Check them out.

4/29/15 Finish Paper 1 Practice Test

5/5/15 Finish Paper 2 Practice Test and revise using Markscheme below. You have to scroll down a while before you get to the solutions. (Mathematical_Studies_Paper_2_TZ1...)

I put up the other markschemes! Sorry for the delay. Good luck tomorrow !! Don't forget your calculator and bring a ruler as a straight edge!