
Hi! My name is Mrs. Neenan. I studied Mathematics and Education at the University of Colorado at Boulder. I believe that the skills you learn in a math class will help you in any career you desire. I know each of you bring a unique set of knowledge and talent to the classroom. I will not tolerate students insulting themselves or others in my classroom. Even if math is not your favorite subject, I believe you can be successful in my class if you put in the effort. I will consider and try to accommodate constructive feedback about what strategies you find helpful and what is not working for you. I look forward to getting to know each of you over the course of the semester!

Google Classroom Codes:

Algebra I: test4i7

Algebra 2: qzrv6it

Algebra 2H: if57qpn


Announcements: None

Fun and Useful Math Resources:

Khan Academy - Free alternate lectures on many math topics

Math Puzzles - HMC's Math Ideas