Supply List

2021-2022 Supply list:

Ruler and Calculator

1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 purple, and 1 orange plastic two pocket folder

1 wide-ruled composition notebook

1 large zippered pencil pouch containing:

- 1 package of mechanical pencils*

- 3 large erasers

- 4 black low odor dry erase markers

- 2 highlighters

- scissors

1 package of Crayola Twistables colored pencils (12 count)*

1 dry erase eraser or a clean sock

1 mask in a labeled plastic bag (This will be kept as a spare in your child's locker.)

Individual tissue packets

Multiplication flashcards (for home use)

Earbuds/headphones (optional)

Helpful tips:

1. I have created labels for your child’s folders and notebooks, so there is no need to label these supplies.

2. In order to limit the spread of germs, we will not be using communal supplies this year. Children will only use their personal school supplies. I am requesting mechanical pencils and twistable colored pencils so that children can avoid using our class sharpener.

3. Please remind your child not to bring in any additional school supplies. Our desks are small, and we have limited storage space.

Thank you for your assistance!