Classroom Rules and Consequences

Mrs. Augustus' Classroom Rules:

1. Follow directions the first time they are given.

2. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

3. Raise your hand when you want to speak.

4. Stay in your assigned area.


1. Become Scholar of the Week

2. Earn "Scholar Dollars" (explained in greater detail below)

3. Positive notes/phone calls home

4. Preferred activity time


I will be using a card chart system to track student behavior. Each time a student chooses not to follow a rule, I will change his or her card to a new color. Each colored card represents a different consequence. Behavior reports from bus drivers, cafeteria monitors, recess monitors, and other teachers count!

Green card: Good (This is where you want to stay!)

Yellow card: Verbal warning

Blue card: Lose a portion of recess time for retraining

Red card: Note or phone call home

* Severe or repeated disruptions will result in a referral to the principal.*

Scholar Dollars

This year your third grader will have the opportunity to earn Scholar Dollars. Scholar Dollars are earned when students follow the rules, complete their assignments, and make good behavior choices. Students will be able to exchange their Scholar Dollars for classroom supplies, rewards, and classroom privileges.