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Classroom Procedures: 

**Friday Folders:  Friday Folders will be sent home on Fridays with a weekly behavior form which is to be signed by parents.  The Friday Folders will also have all student work for parents to review and keep. Please make sure that your child returns their Friday Folder each Monday. 

**Newsletter: A newsletter will be sent home on Friday (inside the Friday Folder) with details of what is happening during the week. Please take the time to read and keep up to date on reading, math, special dates, assessment dates and upcoming activities.

**Clothes: Please keep a change of clothes in your child's book bag (or it can stay in the cubby) in a small zip-lock bag at all times in case of an emergency. This will enable your child to change quickly. We do have a clothes closet at school, but it takes a lot of time to search through the items to find the right size(s). Your child will probably be more comfortable in something of his/her own.

**Lunch: Our lunch is scheduled from 12:10 to 12:50.    

**Attendance: Attendance is crucial for students to receive the best education. If your child has to be absent from school, please send a note within 3 school days.

**Birthdays: We love to celebrate birthdays at school! We usually celebrate  birthdays during recess, so that class time will not be interrupted. It is best to bring individual treats for each student in the class. Ideas are: doughnuts, cookies, brownies, small cupcakes, juice pouches/boxes.  

**Arrival/Dismissal Times: The tardy bell for school rings at 8:00 A.M. All car riders will need to be inside the school before the bell rings or they will be counted tardy. Bus riders that arrive after the tardy bell will not be counted tardy. Students that want to eat breakfast must be in the lunchroom by 8:00 (bus riders must go before coming to the classroom). Students will be dismissed each afternoon by car riders, first load bus, followed by second load bus. If you need to check your child out, please do so before 2:00 - no checkouts after 2:00.

**Illnesses/Medication:  Although none of us like to be sick, we know it is ultimately bound to happen. If your child is not feeling well, please keep him/her at home until he/she feels better. This will help to keep the germs from spreading. Students requiring medication will need for you to bring it to the school nurse. No medications will be kept in the classroom. Please make sure all information for your child is current with the teacher and school nurse.

**Toys: Please do not let your child bring toys to school. This disrupts class time and may cause problems between the students.

**Changes in Dismissal:  If your child will be going home a different way, we MUST have a signed note. Please do NOT send an email or message in Dojo, because we may not see it before the end of the school day. If an emergency arises, please call the front office 

(229) 245-2289, and one of the secretaries will let us know of the change.