How to Give

How to Give

The Lowell Alumni Association accepts gifts in a variety of forms:



Credit Card

To make a credit card donation to our Annual Fund Campaign click here.


Personal Check

To make a donation by personal check, print out and complete the donation form. Mail this completed form with your check made payable to the Lowell Alumni Association to:

Lowell Alumni Association

PO Box 320009

San Francisco, CA 94132


Gifts of Securities

Gifts of appreciated securities, stocks and bonds are a great way to support Lowell High School while reducing your taxes. The process for making a stock gift is easy: Gifts may be transferred directly by your broker to our brokerage account or certificates may be given to the Association. For more information about making a gift of stocks and securities, please contact the Lowell Alumni Association at (415) 759-7830 or  For detailed information regarding transferring securities to the Lowell Alumni Association, please see our FAQs.

Gifts of securities such as stocks, mutual fund shares, or other appreciated assets can be a great tax-efficient donation. In most instances, you can take a tax deduction for the full market value and avoid capital gains taxes.


Planned Giving

Planned gifts can be designed to meet your personal philanthropic and financial goals. Some planned gifts, such as bequests, require no current outlay of funds. Other planned gifts, such as the charitable remainder trust, make it possible to support our work, enjoy a tax deduction, and receive a lifetime income at the same time.


Matching Gifts

When you give to the Lowell Alumni Association, you can multiply the effects of your generosity by taking advantage of a corporate matching gift program. Contact the Human Resources or Employee Benefits Office at your company to find out whether they will match your gift. You may also qualify under the matching gift program of a company where your spouse works or from which you or your spouse retired.

If you would like to learn more about these and other giving opportunities,

please contact us at (415) 759-7830 or at