Getting your Textbooks
You should wait until after your first class meeting before purchasing textbooks as I may have made changes of which the bookstore is not yet aware.
Getting to Class
If your course meets in-person or has an in-person component, such as the hybrid modality, your classroom location is found on your class schedule.
Be sure to check your schedule on the first day of classes as it is not unusual for the room to change...even on the first day of classes!
Remote and Hybrid
Note that hybrid courses (or any course with an in-person component) meet in-person for the first class.
While your university may use a different online meeting platform (such as WebEx, Teams, Google Meet, etc.), I use the Zoom platform exclusively. Therefore, be sure to download and familiarize yourself with it before your first class meeting. And be sure that you have the most recent version of the Zoom software as using out-of-date versions may inhibit your progress in the course (click here for technology policy and here to learn how to keep Zoom up-to-date).
Getting Zoom
Whether or not your course meets face-to-face or online, you will need Zoom.
Download Zoom and install it.
Your Zoom name must appear exactly as it does on the course roster. Those Zoom users who are not on the official course roster will not be allowed admittance into any meetings - class lectures or Office Hour appointments with me. Any penalties incurred because of this issue are not able to be waived.
Join a test meeting and set up your audio and video.
Next, you'll need the meeting link for your course. This is located on the official course site hosted by your university - almost always either Canvas or Blackboard.
You are strongly discouraged from using the Zoom browser extension or the mobile versions of the Zoom application in place of the full, desktop version because they may lack certain functionalities and compatibilities that you may need. So, the rule-of-thumb: use them only if you must but be prepared to find a different solution if it becomes necessary.