Course Information


This course provides a strong background for the Advanced Placement Calculus course (AB or BC) offered in grade 12. Algebraic functions, trigonometry, logarithms, exponentials, and coordinate geometry are emphasized.


The purpose of this course is to:

1) Prepare students for the study of calculus, specifically AP Calculus.

2) Increase the student’s problem solving abilities.

3) Reinforce the student’s higher thinking skills.

4) Integrate the learned concepts of geometry, algebra and trigonometry into the student’s problem solving repertoire through the creation of functional representations.

5) Incorporate the use of different technologies to increase the student’s understanding of advanced mathematical concepts.


Demana et al., Precalculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic, copyright 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. Boston. ISBN:0-13-227650-X.

Selections from Pre-Calculus: A Limit Approach, O’Connell, Robert, copyright 2009 LEEF and Robert O’Connell.


Homework: Homework will be assigned daily. A number of evaluative tools will be used to assess homework.

Projects: Projects will be utilized as needed. Each project will be graded as test.

Quizzes: Announced quizzes will be used to assess student progress with multiple topics. Unannounced quizzes will be used to assess student progress on specific topics.

Tests: Tests will be given at the end of each short chapter or the middle of long chapters.
