
Welcome to Mr. O'Connell's Pre-Calculus Honors course Google-site. This site will be used to post documents and information that will be important for success in PreCalculus Honors. Many of the documents on this page are the property of Mr. O'Connell and the Longmeadow Educational Excellence Foundation. You are granted a limited license to use them for this course, but you are expected to delete your copies at the conclusion of the course.


5/24 - Revised Solution for Chapter 9 Part 1 Review Posted under Unit 12: Probability

12/6 - Solutions for "Chapter 3 Final Test Practice" Posted under Unit 05: Exponents/Logs as "Log_Exp_UberPractice1516_ANS.pdf".

11/23 - Solution Key for "Chapter 3 Part 1 Review and Practice" posted under Unit 05: Exponents/Logs.

10/15 - Solution Key for Conic Section Review Exercises posted under Unit 11: Conic Sections as "PreCH-ConicReview_1516.pdf".

10/03/2015-Solution Key for Chapter 1 Test Review Packet posted under "Unit 03: Functions" as "PreCH-Ch_1_Review_Packet_ANS.pdf".

09/22/2015-"Chapter_1_Quest_Review_1516.pdf" with answers included posted under "Unit 03: Functions".

06/12-Additional Final Exam Review created by Ms. Daly is posted under "Units 06-10" Tab at Left.

06/04/2015-Practice Test for SAT2 Level 2C Subject Test posted under "Final" Tab at Left.

04/30-The College Board has a website of practice questions for the subject tests. The site can be found at the following web address.

2/26-Demo video for graphing Cosecant can be found at or by following the link under the Unit 06 tab at left.

09/27-There is an interesting blog posting about continuous functions at the following location...Check it out.