Welcome Letter

Welcome to First Grade!!

Dear First Grade Families,

We are thrilled to welcome you to first grade at Wolf Swamp Road School! We look forward to working with all of you to have a successful year. We can’t wait to get to know each of you! There will be lots of information coming home during the first week of school, but we thought it would be helpful for you to know about a few things before school starts.

PTO Sponsored Ice Cream Social

Join the school community on Wednesday, August 24th (rain date August 25th) for an ice cream social on the Wolf Swamp Playground. Kindergarten arrives at 5 pm and everyone else at 5:30 pm. Meet new families, hang out with old friends and meet the PTO board.

Our first priority as always is to keep your children safe. We are still learning which safety protocols and routines will be implemented this year, but we are hopeful for a return to a more “normal” school experience this year. Thank you in advance for your cooperation, patience and grace as we work together to navigate the upcoming school year.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Our contact information is listed here.

Nicole Holmes

565-4270 x 148


Rebecca Powell

565-4270 x 147


Lindsey Seifel

565-4270 x 150


We are delighted that you will be in first grade with us this year!

See you soon!! We’re going to have a spectacular year!!

Your teachers,

Ms. Holmes Mrs. Powell Mrs. Seifel


Schedule: School begins on Monday, August 29.

8:25 Students may enter the building at this time. There is no supervision before 8:25.

8:35 Tardy bell rings. All students should be in the classroom ready to learn at this time.

10:00ish Snack - Please bring a healthy snack.

2:45 Dismissal

Arrival/ Dismissal: All first graders will line up and enter the building through the Live Line door next to the cafeteria, except bus riders who will enter the front door. Please see the attached sheet for important information about dismissal. It is crucial that you let us know how your child will be leaving school each day, including who is authorized to pick up your child. If there is ever a change in the normal routine, you must send a written note or email or leave a voicemail.

Technology: First graders will be swapping out their iPad for a Chromebook this year. We will let you know the plan as soon as we get word from the Tech department.

Lunch Information: Please see the Longmeadow website at www.longmeadow.k12.ma.us for information about buying lunch. Click More -> Parents -> Fresh Picks Food Service Menu.

School Supplies: The school will be supplying the majority of school supplies this year. Families have been asked to provide the following supplies for first graders:

  1. 1 pair of headphones for computer (consider buying a headset with a microphone)

  2. 1 bottle hand sanitizer (optional)


Ensuring your child’s safety is our #1 priority. We need your assistance to make sure that all children are dismissed to the proper location at the end of the day. Each classroom has a specific dismissal procedure that helps to keep our hallways safe and orderly at dismissal time.

Please read the following information carefully and complete the form accordingly. Send this form to your child’s teacher on the first day of school.


  1. Bus: We will make sure that your child safely meets his or her bus (town, Greenwood, Metco, JCC, etc.).

  1. Live Line Door-Car Pick-up: If you are driving through the Live Line, we will escort your child to the door by the cafeteria that exits to the Live Line. From that point, children who are waiting for their ride will be monitored by the teachers on duty each day.

  1. Live Line Door- Walkers/ Bikers: If you are walking or biking home with your child, we will escort your child to the door by the cafeteria that exits to the Live Line. We ask you to avoid congestion at our exit door. When we see you there, we will send your child to meet you.


Many families have a different dismissal routine for the first few days of school before settling into a permanent routine. Please fill in the following information about your child’s dismissal. It will help us to be organized at dismissal time.

Monday, Aug. 29 only: (Circle one)

Town Bus Metco Bus JCC Bus Greenwood Bus

Live Line (car) Live Line (walk/ bike) Other: _________________________

Tuesday, Aug. 30 only: (Circle one)

Town Bus Metco Bus JCC Bus Greenwood Bus

Live Line (car) Live Line (walk/ bike) Other: _________________________

Permanent Routine beginning Wednesday, Aug. 31: (Circle one)

Town Bus Metco Bus JCC Bus Greenwood Bus

Live Line (car) Live Line (walk/ bike) Other: _________________________

Feel free to send a written note or email or leave a voicemail to make changes at any time! Thank you for your patience with dismissal the first two weeks of school. It takes a few extra minutes to make sure that everyone gets safely to his or her destination!

Please sign below: I have read and understand the dismissal policy.

CHILD’S NAME (Please print)______________________________________


Parent Signature Date