SAMR Model

Description of Tool

The SAMR Model is the framework for the integration of technology in the classroom that the Visionary Instruction Plan (VIP) follows for Lockhart ISD. It is categorized by four different degrees of integration:

To reach the Transformation phase of the SAMR which includes Modification and Redefinition the 4C's must be included in your lesson design.  The 4Cs are:

Grade Level:  All Content Area: All User: Staff



What is SAMR?

VIP Tenets & SAMR

VIP Tenet Examples

LISD Tenet & SAMR Examples

SAMR Infographic

Swimming in the SAMR Swimming Pool with Carl Hooker

SAMR Cheat Sheet

SAMR Graphic for Laptop, Desk, etc.

SAMR Infographic by Sylvia Duckworth

The SAMR Swimming Pool Infographic