PTO Sponsored Events

The SBE PTO supports both School Spirit and Fundraising events at our school!

We need your help!

The SBE PTO has many Chair positions and support positions available for our events(see descriptions below). If you would like to sign up to help, click here!

Box Tops (Year Round) - help support the new online box tops program throughout the year. Organize communication and information about the program to go home to families.

Give Back Nights (Year Round) - help set up Give Back Nights at local restaurants. We typically have one per Month so our families can gather together while raising money for our school.

Beautification Day (TBD) - help coordinate and develop a plan for a school wide beautification day on campus. Work with Principal Snyder for development and approval on new ideas to make our campus look great!

Jamba Juice (Year Round) - Our monthly Jamba Juice fundraiser is a great way to offer a treat to our students while supporting our school. Help order, pick up and deliver the Monthly Jamba Juice to the school. Organize and collect the annual and monthly sales.

Auction Dinner(Spring) - Our 2nd largest school fundraiser comes in 1st for Fun! The dinner auction is a night full of "FUN"draising, dinner and dancing. With such a big event there are many options to help big and small!

Trunk or Treat (Fall) - We are bringing this back for the 2021-2022 school year! Help coordinate an afternoon/evening of fun Trunks and festivities!

Book Fair (Winter and Spring) - Encourage our students to read and be part of a fun week long event.

Be-Strong-A-Thon (September/October) Be a part of our largest fundraiser! With so many fun things to coordinate, this event can have lots of helpers.

Staff Appreciation (May) - During the first week in May, we will be showing our Teachers and Staff just how much we appreciate everything they do. Help coordinate a themed week of fun!

Sharkey Mascot (Year Round) - We would love to have a volunteer to be Sharkey at some of our events! You will absolutely love the celebrity status when you put on the Shark costume for our students!

Marquee Coordinator (Year Round) - Help keep the school informed by updating our Marquee each month.

Social Media Coordinator (Year Round) - Do you love Social Media and keeping people informed? If so, we have the job for you! Help create and develop our PTO Social Media Campaign all year long.

Website Coordinator (Year Round) - Help us keep the whole school updated and informed by helping update our PTO Website.

Miscellaneous - I'd like to help out but not sure how. Please add me to the email list for when volunteering needs arise.