Get Involved!
Place your donations of non-perishable food for C.H.O.W. in the baskets in the church foyer. Livingston C.H.O.W. (Community Hunger Outreach Warehouse) is an inter-faith project of the Livingston Clergy Association and a project of Livingston Neighbors Helping Neighbors (LNHN) . Housed at Livingston Town Hall, Livingston CHOW was started several years ago as a way for all the houses of worship in Livingston to pool their resources in order to more effectively meet the needs of disadvantaged persons in our community.
Support WEMA
A Foundation established by Leah Wandera
A Foundation established by Leah Wandera
Wema provides for all of the costs of boarding school for Kenyan girls and teenagers. This is the only way these girls will be able to get a formal education. This also protects them from female genital mutilation. We are inviting you to contribute toward the support of a girl’s education. We are making this the primary goal of our global ministry throughout the year.
Mark your donation: Wema.
Meet the Kenyan young women we are sponsoring:
Sheila Anyango - grade 7 (Junior High School)
Leonida Branice - grade 8 (Junior High School)
Violet Akumu - Form 1/Grade 9 (Junior High School- in her final year to join Senior High School)
Update on Students in Kenya Sponsorship
All of the girls that we sponsor are doing well. Sheila recently participated in a four-day field trip to Nairobi to visit the National Museum and Parliament. She is working hard to prepare for the Kenya national primary examination in mid-November, please pray that she remains focused and does well on the exam. Bernice was able to visit home for a week. She has joined the St. John’s ambulance club and dreams of becoming a doctor. Violet was also able to visit her home for a week. She is having difficulty with her vision. Please pray that she will be able to have her eyes examined on her Christmas break.
Check out the article in UMNews about Leah Wandera’s ministry in Kenya: