How to build your website

Congratulations on creating a website. First of all, DON'T panic. Making a website is not difficult or complicated especially with these instructions and this template to start you off. Also, anything can be changed to be what you want it to be. No worries :)

To start, you will need to use your Google account,send an email to Shawn Surma if you do not have a Google Account. When you get an account, be sure to choose a password you will remember, but is not easy to guess you may be able to use your FirstClass password if it meets the rules for Google.. This Google account will allow to access many of Google's great features and applications such as Google Docs, Google Calendar, Google Drive and Google Sites. This step you will only need to do to set up your Google account. Once your account has been made you will not need to do this. You will simply log in to Google.

Creating Your Google Site:

To create your site log in to Google Sites, and click on the 'CREATE' button (red). Under 'select a template to use', choose 'Browse the Gallery for More'. In the 'Search Templates' search bar type in 'elementary' or 'secondary' , then click the blue 'SELECT' button. Choose a name for your site and type in the code shown. Finally, click the red 'CREATE' button at the top. If your website name/web address has not already been taken and your code was typed correctly you should see your website's name appear, which you can click on to begin editing. IF the name/web address for your site has been taken or if you mistype your code, you will need to try again with the necessary changes before proceeding. Once you have created the site, you are ready to begin customizing the template to suit your needs and the needs of your students and their parents. Let the fun begin!!

Basic Tutorials for Editing and Customizing your Website

This guide has very valuable information about how to edit your pages, add pages, add content such as images and links, as well as how to customize the look of your site. Please take the time to read this Beginner's Guide.

About the Teacher & Contact Info Page Instructions:

To Insert a Photo, you must first have a photo of yourself saved to your computer. Click on the image below and select 'Remove' (the X). Then click underneath this line to get the cursor in the correct location. Select 'Insert' from the toolbar above, then select 'Image'. Click on the gray button labeled "Choose File" and locate your saved photo on your computer. Select the file and open it to upload. When the image has completed uploading, click on the image you would like to insert and click OK. You can re-size your image and align it to the center using the toolbar that appears when you click on your image. (Remember to DELETE these instructions before publishing your site)

Name: Enter your name here.

Grade/Subject: Enter your grade/subject here.

Introduction: Take a few moments to write a brief introduction about yourself. Share about your experience as a teacher, what you love about teaching and your philosophy. Some parents may not have an opportunity to meet with you face to face due to schedules or living elsewhere in the world, but this is a great way for them to get to know you as a person and professional, and not just as a name.

Contact Information

Email: Type your email address here, then highlight it and click on the 'Link' button above to make a clickable button to email you (looks like chain links).

Phone: #555-555-5555 EXT 555

Curriculum Page Instructions:

Upload documents in pdf form to by term or by month or by unit. Simply click on add file and choose your file. Organize your documents or links using folders.

Newsletters Page Instructions:

Upload documents in pdf form to by term or by month or by unit. Simply click on add file and choose your file. Organize your documents or links using folders.

Homework & Event Page Instructions:

To change from the generic calendar to your own Google calendar, click on the 'Edit' button above (pencil) then click on the gray box below. A toolbar will appear. Click on 'Properties' (Gear). Here you can change the size of the calendar and other display features. At the top you will see the calendar or calendars that are being displayed. Click on 'Display Another Calendar' to see a list of your Google Calendars. If you do not have a calendar listed, you'll need to sign up for Google Calendar and start one (or more if you like!). Be sure to save your changes by clicking on the red save button, then save your page by clicking on the blue save button. You can select multiple calendars so if you have multiple classes or subjects you can have a calendar for each and each calendar will appear as a different color for that subject.

Resource & Favorite Links Page Instructions:

Add links for parents or students. Simply copy and paste your link and add a description. Don't forget to provide information about if a log in is required or not. If you have a page for keeping and organizing your links, this would be a great place to share the link to the guest page. If you would rather not share links, this is also a great space to share documents such as permission slips, notes or worksheets. Please be mindful of copyright laws when sharing worksheets or other published works. Organize your documents or links using folders.

Advanced Features:

More tutorials are coming on advanced features and layouts. Stay up to date with the Technology Dept. Blog.