Classroom Policies

Assignment Policy

  • Assignments/materials will be posted on Google Classroom. You must review every day. If you are absent for the day or miss class, you are still expected to turn in the work and/or take an assessment once you return. It is your job to go on Google Classroom and/or see me about work you missed.

  • Almost all work is turned in on Google Classroom. (No e-mailed/shared assignments will be accepted unless teacher specifically allows it).

    • All work due when your class begins.

    • Electronic/computer errors are not an excuse. Always backup your work. Students will be penalized for incomplete or late work.

  • Unexcused absences will result in a 0 for that day’s assignments.

  • Cell phone use prohibited in class.

Late Work Policy

-Students have until the end of the 5-week point of each marking period to turn in late work with a max grade of 65% of their earned grade (a deduction of 35% of their earned grade).