Vacation Assignments

Mexico Assignment

Biology Log

Please list 5 organisms (specific name of plant, animal, or fungus) per week while you are gone. Include where and when you saw them, a small color sketch, daily weather observations (temperature, rain, clear, cloudy) and a 2 sentence description of each organism.

Spanish Log

List 2 new Spanish words each day and their meaning in English.


Gracias = thank-you

Por favor = please

Coke = Coke (cola)

Arizona Trip Presentation

Take pictures while on the trip, but don't worry about the due date of the presentation. I'll help you when you get back if necessary

Create a 15 slide Google Presentation about your trip

Include a slide on the following:

Biology of the area

    • Birds
    • Animals
    • Plants
      • trees
      • flowers
      • bushes
    • Insects

Geology of the area

    • Forces that shaped the land
    • Story the rocks tell

Cultural History of area

    • Ancient cultures/Civilizations
    • Rock art
    • Ceramics

Maps of the different areas you explored

FUN activities (who cares if it directly relates to school)