Interviews on Wednesday & Thursday will be held in Room 273.

Interviews on Friday will be held in room 160 (across from the business incubator)

Welcome! There are two steps to applying to be a Link Crew Leader!

  1. Fill out the APPLICATION by 10pm on Tuesday May 17th.

  2. Sign up for a 5 minute interview slot that fits your schedule (Access code: LC2022)

Interviews on Wednesday & Thursday will be held in Room 273.
Interviews on Friday will be held
in room 160 (across from the business incubator)

Dates we will need you are August 10th, 11th, 16th and potentially weekly throughout the year.

First, you'll fill out a brief informational section, and then a confirmation of dates we'd need you to be available. This year we are asking you to sign up for a 5 minute interview to talk about why you want to be a link crew leader!

Any questions, email Mrs. Harmsen (mharmsen@lfschools.net) or Miss Schwartz (rschwartz@lfschools.net).