Grading Policy

All grading is biased on a points system. Your grade will be determined by a total of points earned from class work, quizzes, tests, activities, and ESLR's. All grades will be computed on a points earned out of points possible basis. As the importance of an assignment increases, so does the assignment's point value. Missing assignments will be counted as zero points. Participation is very important to this class and will count as a sizable part of the students possible points. The student's total points earned are divided by the total points possible to determine their percentage. The following scale is used to determine each student's grades.

Letter Grade Percentage A 92.5-100.0% A- 90.0-92.4% B+ 87.5-89.9% B 82.5-87.4% B- 80.0-82.4% C+ 77.5-79.9% C 72.5-77.4% C- 70.0-72.4% D+ 67.5-69.9% D 62.5-67.4% D- 60.0-62.4% F 0.0-59.9%