Grading Policy

Grading Policy

Assessments: Each grading period students can expect to take 2 - 4 quizzes. Students have the opportunity to retake any of the quizzes until the end of the six weeks. If a student retakes a quiz, they will receive the higher of the two grades (the original quiz and the retake are NOT averaged). The average of all quizzes will count as 85% of the cycle average. Retakes will be taken outside of regular class time, except for days designated as retake days. Students must attend a tutorial in order to take a retake.

Correct to a 70%: Sometimes a student needs reteaching for a retake. Instead of independently taking the quiz, the student will work directly with me to complete the retake. In this instance, the student will receive a score of 70% on the retake. This score will count in the 85% cycle average.

Daily Work: Each day we complete work as a class and independently. Students will receive a classwork grade based on completed classwork, participation in group work and participation in class discussions. This grade will count as 15% of the cycle average.

Any work not completed in class will be considered homework.