Classroom & Grading Policies

Greene/Slagle Syllabus for Math/ELA Extensions

Discipline Policy:


Be Prompt

Be Prepared

Be Polite

Be Productive

Be Positive


1. Warning

2. Signature in the book

3. Phone call or email to parents

4. Team Ticket

5. Office referral

To access your student's current grades on HAC, click here.

Extension Grading Policy:

Math Extensions: 50%

ELA Extensions: 50%

Math Extensions Assignments:

Skills Checks:

In the core math classroom students continually require the use of these foundational skills, regular practice greatly increases a student's success in his/her math class. All of the items are skills that have been taught and should have been previously mastered. Students are able to use resources, including notes, previous skills checks, "hints" on skills checks, etc. Although students are not able to correct skills checks, they have regular opportunities to complete assignments covering computation skills not yet mastered, By successfully completing these assignments, a student can raise his/her overall average.

Academic Behavior:

Grades will be given out each week for participation, work completion, organization, and following classroom policies.

Academic Content:

Each week we will focus on specific skills and students will get one grade a week for their work and one for their skills check. This work will be completed all in class.