1st grade QUEST

We learned about the characteristics of deserts found in North America and painted our own landscapes. We had a lot of fun creating the colors of the deserts we learned about.

Our first graders have just finished learning all about sound and the different instrument families of the orchestra. Each one created a brand new instrument by combining two instruments from dffferent families! We just love how our instruments turned out and wanted to sing you a song!

1st grade Instrument Presentation 23-24.m4v

We are learning about how sound travels and reaches our ear drums. We are also learning about the different instrument families of the orchestra. We know all about the string, brass, woodwind and percussion families.

Check out our AMAZING shoe transformations! We had so much fun transforming our old shoe into a form of transportaion. We also gave it charateristics of one of our favorite animals. 

Our first graders reviewed the Creative Awareness tools of fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. 

 Our first graders were so excited to log into their chromebooks to join our online Google Classroom! 

1st graders using their critical thinking skills to save Fred without touching him with their hands! We had a lot of fun working with each other to strategize the best way to solve our problem!