Welcome to Mrs. Catchpool's

7th Grade ELA/Adv. ELA Class

Welcome to ELA/Advanced Language Arts. Our skills for 7th grade ELA focus on literary, informational and comparative analysis of various texts as well as reading comprehension skills. We will be utilizing the writing process and adding additional skills to our writers' toolbox, as well as responding to literature of all forms.

The expectations of our Advanced ELA class will include higher and more complex assignments and activities while still focusing on the 7th grade ELA TEKS. Advanced ELA students are expected to be committed to the rigor of an enriched curriculum.

Leander ISD has implemented a skill's based grading system for secondary Language Arts, so the students' grades will be based off of skill mastery, rather than assignment completion.

Language Arts and Advanced Language Arts:

The summer reading assignment for

7th grade ELA and Advanced ELA is

to read a book of choice.

Be prepared to discuss it

during the first weeks of school.

For problems with student's LISD laptop or technology, please call the Technology Help Desk: 512-570-0566