
Recent Continental Philosophy (PHIL 307)

Description | Schedule

Study Helps & Philosophy Links

Spring 2019

9:10-10:10 MWF

John R. Howard Hall 135


Class email:


John R. Howard Hall 223

Office Hours

11:30-12:00 & 1:00-4:30 MW

11:30-12:00 & 1:00-3:00 F

and by appointment


Samuel Beckett: "Ever tried? Ever failed? No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better."

Emmanuel Levinas: "The fact that philosophy cannot finally totalize the alterity of meaning in some final presence or simultaneity is not for me a deficiency or fault. Or to put it another way, the best thing about philosophy is that it fails."

In this course, we will study recent German and French philosophy. Here are required the texts:

Basic Writings: From Being and Time (1927) To The Task of Thinking (1964)

by Martin Heidegger

Harper Perennial Modern Classics, 2008


ISBN-10: 0061627011

ISBN-13: 978-0061627019

New: Starting at $6.21

Used: Starting at $4.99

Basic Writings is available through the College Bookstore,, or Barnes & Noble.

The Transcendence of the Ego: A Sketch for a Phenomenological Description

by Jean-Paul Sartre

Routledge, 2011


ISBN-10: 0415610176

ISBN-13: 978-0415610179

New: Starting at $17.95

Used: Starting at $13.62

The Transcendence of the Ego is available through the College Bookstore,, or Barnes & Noble.

The Primacy of Perception

by Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Northwestern University Press, 1964


ISBN-10: 0810101645

ISBN-13: 978-0810101647

New: Starting at $16.25

Used: Starting at $6.44

The Primacy of Perception is available through the College Bookstore,, or Barnes & Noble.

Language, Counter-Memory, Practice

by Michel Foucault

Cornell University Press, 1980


ISBN-10: 0801492041

ISBN-13: 978-0801492044

New: Starting at $12.44

Used: Starting at $2.79

Language, Counter-Memory, Practice is available through the College Bookstore,, or Barnes & Noble.

French Philosophy Today: New Figures of the Human in Badiou, Meillassoux, Malabou, Serres and Latour

by Christopher Watkin

Edinburgh University Press, 2017, Paperback

ISBN-10: 1474425836

ISBN-13: 978-1474425834

New: Starting at $36.18

Used: Starting at $26.61

French Philosophy Today is available through the College Bookstore,, or Barnes & Noble.

There are also learning outcomes for students who graduate with a major in Philosophy.

In preparation for each class meeting, you should have read the assigned material. You should arrive in class with prepared questions or comments about something in the assigned reading.

Each student will write a précis for almost every reading assignment, as well as complete various research exercises that teach research skills. There also a midterm examination, a final examination, and an argumentative research paper (which includes an in-class presentation, a prospectus, two drafts, and a mandatory rewrite).

The précis, research exercises, and class participation will be weighted together and will count for 15% of your final grade. The midterm and final examinations will each count for 10% of your final grade. The in-class presentation will count for 10%, the prospectus will count for 5%, the first draft will count for 10%, the second draft will count for 10%, and the argumentative research paper will count for 30% of your final grade. The grading scale is as follows:

A = 93%-100%

A- = 90%-92%

B+ = 86%-89%

B = 83% 85%

B- = 80%-82%

C+ = 76%-79%

C = 73%-75%

C- = 70%-72%

D+ = 66%-69%

D = 60%-65%

F = 0%-59%.

A précis will be due almost every class session. Each précis will be one typed page -- never longer -- double-spaced, with 1 inch margins on the right & left sides and the top & bottom. It must be at least 3/4 of a page in length. Use a 12-point Times or Times Roman font. There will be no spelling or grammatical errors in your précis. Your name will be typed in the upper right-hand corner. In each précis, you will summarize -- in your own words, without using any quotes -- the assigned reading's mainclaims, as well as the reasons which are given to support those claims. You will not include any opinion, evaluation, or commentary. At the bottom of each précis, or on the back, you will write one question that you have about the reading. This question must written prior to, not during, class.

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, the Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, and Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy will be useful.

The Philosopher's Index will be vital for the Argumentative Research Paper.

The Chicago Manual of Style's Citation Quick Guide is online.

There will be an argumentative research paper, 2500 words, typed, double-spaced.

It is crucial that you critically engage the reading. You might argue that a claim that the author makes is incorrect, for example, or that a criticism in the secondary literature is incorrect. Alternatively, you might argue that an interpretation advanced in the secondary literature is incorrect. The paper should reflect an acquaintance with the requisite secondary literature.

You will sign up for a date that will determine the topic on which you write your argumentative research paper. On the day you present your paper, you will distribute copies to all of the persons in this class. You first will read your paper, and then you and I will serve as the main resource persons for fielding questions concerning the material. Since the class discussion will be centered around your paper, it is crucial that you distribute the paper the class session when you present it, and that you actually be in class to read your paper.

You're welcome to consult the Writing Center, located on the main floor of Watzek Library.

Also useful is the Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue University.

If you would find it useful to create concept maps, to help write your argumentative research papers, you can download the software to create them from IHMC Cmap Tools.

All work must be submitted when it is due.

This class will be successful only if there is a high degree of participation and attendance, and so I want you in class participating. The final grade for the course will be lowered by a full-letter grade if you miss four class sessions, the final grade will be lowered by two full-letter grades if you miss five class sessions, and you will be withdrawn from the course if you miss six or more class sessions. I will not accept make-up work unless you can document the reason for your absence. Documenting the reason for your absence means providing a note from, for example, your doctor explaining why you were absent. Serious illnesses and emergencies will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

Throughout the course you are expected to read carefully the assigned material. It is impossible to do well in this course without reading and studying the books. You should spend a minimum of three hours preparing for each class session. Read the assigned material at least twice and take notes on what you read. You are expected to attend all class sessions, come to class having read thoroughly the assigned material, and to contribute to the discussions.

Gorgias of Leontini maintained that "those who neglect philosophy and spend their time on ordinary studies are like the suitors who desired Penelope but slept with her maids." In philosophy, unlike ordinary studies, there are few right and wrong answers. There are better and worse arguments and ideas, however, usually in direct proportion to thoughtfulness and care. What is important is that you think for yourself, and that you develop and defend your own ideas. It would be an excellent idea to write drafts or outlines of your précis and papers, and to have a comrade read them to check on spelling, grammar, development of arguments, and so forth.

You are strongly encouraged to discuss the class material, your ideas, your puzzles and difficulties with each other. A word to the wise: Find a study partner to discuss things with outside of class. (To see why this is effective for creativity and learning, read Malcolm Gladwell's article, Group Think: What Does "Saturday Night Live" Have in Common with German Philosophy?, The New Yorker, 2 December 2002, pages 102-107).

There's a Bollwood tune for every occasion. Click here.

When it comes to finally writing your précis and essays, though, do your own writing. That is the only way you will get the full benefit of your own efforts. I will be happy to discuss ideas with you, read outlines and rough drafts, and so forth. That is partly why I keep office hours.

A final word to the wise. It is not difficult to do well in this class, but it also is easy to do badly. Let me talk about the bad stuff first. You will receive a major grade reduction -- or fail this course -- if you do not read the material, seldom participate in class discussions, do not write your précis, or argumentative research paper, plagiarize, cheat, and so forth.

About plagiarizing and cheating. All students are expected to follow Lewis & Clark College's Academic Integrity Policy. Plagiarizers and cheaters will be given an "F" for the entire course (they will not be allowed to drop or withdraw from the course). I also will turn their cases over to the Honor Board. It is never in your interest to plagiarize or cheat!

Now for the good stuff. With a concerted effort, you will do well in this class. To do well, you must participate in class discussions, read and study the assigned material, write the précis, argumentative research paper, be in class (almost) all of the time, etc. I do not grade on a curve, and so there is no good reason why you should not get an "A" for the course!

The Festival of Scholars is a campus-wide celebration of student work. It is an opportunity to discuss research, to exhibit, perform, or appreciate art, and to cross disciplinary boundaries. The Festival will be held on Friday, April 19. Although classes are cancelled on that day, you are required to participate in the Festival, either by presenting your work or attending presentations.

Course policy on disability accommodation. If you have a disability or learning difference that may impact your academic performance, you may request accommodations by submitting documentation to Student Support Services, located in Albany 206 (, 503-768-7156). They will notify me of the accommodations for which you are eligible.


Gilles Deleuze: "Philosophy's sole aim is to become worthy of the event."

Week 1

Wednesday, January 23:

Introduction to the course. Read:

Malcolm Gladwell's article, Group Think.

Jim Pryor's essay, Guidelines on Reading Philosophy.

Friday, January 25:

Ethan Watters, "We Aren't the World", Pacific Standard.

Joseph Henrich, Steven J. Heine, and Ara Norenzayan, "The Weirdest People in the World?", Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Volume 33:2-3, June 2010, pages 61-83; précis.

Week 2

Discussion of (annotated) bibliography, reasons for citations, proper quoting (block or in-line).

Monday, January 28:

Heidegger's Basic Writings, pages 37-53; précis.

Sign-up for Paper and Presentation Topics.

Wednesday, January 30:

Heidegger's Basic Writings, pages 53-71; précis.

Friday, February 1:

Heidegger's Basic Writings, pages 71-87; précis.

Research Exercise for Monday: Write a précis on your Paper and Presentation Topic.

Week 3

Discussion of search procedures for articles and books.

Monday, February 4:

Précis on Paper and Presentation Topic.

Wednesday, February 6:

Heidegger's Basic Writings, pages 89-110; précis.

Friday, February 8:

Heidegger's Basic Writings, pages 213-239; précis

Research Exercise for Monday: Find one book and one article that will be relevant to your Argumentative Research Paper. Provide one block quote from the book and one in-line quote from the article. List the book and the article in proper format for bibliography, properly cited.

Week 4

Discussion on using the Arts & Humanities Citation Index and the Philosopher's Index.

Monday, February 11:

Heidegger's Basic Writings, pages 240-265; précis.

Wednesday, February 13:

Heidegger's Basic Writings, pages 307-341; précis.

Friday, February 15:

Heidegger's Basic Writings, pages 343-363; précis.

Research Exercise for Monday: In proper bibliographical format, list three new articles that you found through the Arts & Humanities Citation Index or the Philosopher's Index that are relevant to your Argumentative Research Paper. Also, provide one block quote and one in-line quote, properly cited.

Week 5

Discussion of annotated bibliography and reliability of sources.

Monday, February 18:

Heidegger's Basic Writings, pages 365-391; précis.

Wednesday, February 20:

Heidegger's Basic Writings, pages 393-426; précis.

Friday, February 22:

Heidegger's Basic Writings, pages 140-212; précis.

Exercise for Monday:

Submit a 3-5 page prospectus of your argumentative research paper in which you:

(1) indicate your topic and thesis.

(2) describe the problem or issue to be treated.

(3) outline your anticipated procedure and probable conclusion.

(4) include an annotated bibliography of works to be consulted (a minimum of six books or articles, with at least a paragraph discussing the relevance of each work to your project.

Week 6

Discussion of note taking and perusing for content.

Monday, February 25:

Due: Prospectus of Argumentative Research Paper

Wednesday, February 27:

Sartre's Transcendence of the Ego, pages 31-60; précis.

Friday, March 1:

Sartre's Transcendence of the Ego, pages 60-106.

Week 7

Discussion of formulating a thesis: outlines, drafts, revisions.

Monday, March 4:

Midterm Examination.

Wednesday, March 6:

Merleau-Ponty's Primacy of Perception, pages 12-42; précis.

Friday, March 8:

Merleau-Ponty's Primacy of Perception, pages 43-69; précis.

Presentation: Theodore Montgomery.

Week 8

Discussion of articulating a thesis: arguments, objections, replies.

Monday, March 11:

Merleau-Ponty's Primacy of Perception, pages 69-95; précis.

Presentation: Laszlo Bardos.

Wednesday, March 13:

Merleau-Ponty's Primacy of Perception, pages 159-175; précis.

Presentation: Devin Poleyumptewa.

Friday, March 15:

Merleau-Ponty's Primacy of Perception, pages 175-190; précis.

Presentation: Max Helman.

Week 9

Monday, March 18:

Due: First Draft of Argumentative Research Paper

Wednesday, March 20:

Foucault's Language, Counter-Memory, Practice, pages 113-138; précis.

Presentation: Irina Angelova.

Friday, March 22

Class canceled: Midsouth Philosophy Conference

Week 10

Monday, March 25:

Spring Break

Wednesday, March 27:

Spring Break

Friday, March 29:

Spring Break

Week 11

Monday, April 1:

Foucault's Language, Counter-Memory, Practice, pages 139-164; précis.

Presentation: Sally Goldman.

Wednesday, April 3:

Foucault's Language, Counter-Memory, Practice, pages 165-198; précis.

Presentation: Sara Gallagher.

Friday, April 5:

Foucault's Language, Counter-Memory, Practice, pages 205-233; précis.

Presentation: Leah Paez.

Week 12

Monday, April 8:

Watkin's French Philosophy Today, "Introduction" and "Conclusion", pages 1-18 and 202-205; précis.

Wednesday, April 10:

Watkin's French Philosophy Today, pages "Alain Badiou: Formalised Inhumanism", 19-45; précis.

Presentation: Anthony Kolshorn.

Friday, April 12:

Watkin's French Philosophy Today, pages "Quentin Meillassoux: Supreme Human Value Meets Anti-Anthropocentrism", 46-76; précis.

Presentation: Ailish Beveridge.

Week 13

Monday, April 15:

Due: Second Draft of Argumentative Research Paper

Submit a copy to Fritzman and to a Peer Evaluator

Wednesday, April 17:

Class canceled: American Philosophical Association's Pacific Division

Friday, April 19:

Class canceled: Festival of Scholars

The Festival of Scholars is a campus-wide celebration of student work. It is an opportunity to discuss research, to exhibit, perform, or appreciate art, and to cross disciplinary boundaries. You are required to participate in the Festival, either by presenting your work or attending presentations by your fellow students.

Week 14

Monday, April 22:

Watkin's French Philosophy Today, "Catherine Malabou: The Plastic Human", pages 77-109; précis.

Wednesday, April 24:

Watkin's French Philosophy Today, "Catherine Malabou: The Epigenetic Human", pages 110-140; précis.

Presentation: Travis Knapp.

Friday, April 26:

Watkin's French Philosophy Today, "Michel Serres: Universal Humanism", pages 141-170; précis.

Week 15

Monday, 29:

Watkin's French Philosophy Today, "Bruno Latour: Translating the Human", pages 171-201; précis.

Presentation: Lauren Keagan.

Wednesday, May 1:

Concluding discussion.

Friday, May 3:

Reading Day

Week 16

Thursday, May 9, 8:30-11:30 AM:

Final Examination

Due: Rewrite of Argumentative Research Paper

Submit four items:

(1) the final rewrite.

(2) the second draft on which I wrote comments.

(3) the second draft on which your peer evaluator wrote comments.

(4) the peer evaluation form.


J. M. Fritzman

Department of Philosophy

Lewis & Clark College

0615 SW Palatine Hill Road

Portland, OR 97219-7899



Updated on 4 April 2019