Study Helps and Philosophy Sites

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Encyclopedias | Philosophy Sites

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Benefits of Studying Philosophy

Study Helps for Students

(also see the Philosophy Sites )

College Reading Success

Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide

Philosophy Databases

Writing Philosophy Papers

Guide to Grammar and Writing

Step-by-Step Guide on Writing a Scholarly Paper

A Glossary of Basic Philosophical Concepts

Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Meta-Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Internet Encyclopedia

Stanford Encyclopedia

Philosophical Dictionary

Dictionary of the Philosophy of Mind

Philosophy Study Guides

Philosophy Pages

Philosopher's Index

Arts and Humanities Citation Index

Ask a Philosopher!

Virtual Thesaurus

Oxford English Dictionary

Watzek Library

Choosing a Career, a Major, or -- If You're in High School -- a College

Applying to Graduate School in Philosophy

Networking on the Network

A Guide to Networking for Business Professionals

Plato and his Dialogues

Early Modern Texts

Hegel Links and Pictures

Socrates Screen Saver

Brain-in-a-Vat at the Wheel: Can Bad Men

Make Good Brains Do Bad Things?

Professional Sites

After the Offer, Before the Deal

American Association of University Professors

American Philosophical Association | APA Pacific Division

American Council of Learned Societies

American Universities

Association for Asian Studies (AAS) | AAS Conference

Center for Dewey Studies

Chalmers' Web Site (Philosophy of Mind Resources)

Chronicle of Higher Education

Classics Archive

Eighteenth Century Philosophy Online Resources

EpistemeLinks: Online Philosophy Resources

Ethics Updates

Faculty Salary Database

Foundation for Individual Rights in Education

Guide to Philosophy on the Internet (Suber) System of Science

Hegel Resource Site

Hegel Society of America

Hegel, Zizek, and the Zeitgeist Seminar

In Socrates' Wake: A Blog about Teaching Philosophy

Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression

Jobs in Philosophy

Kelly Writers House at the University of Pennsylvania

Late German Philosophy

LaTeX for Logicians

LaTeX: A Guide for Philosophers

Marxist Internet Archive

Media Theory Site

National Endowment for the Humanities

Nietzsche Source

Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews

Paideia Project On-Line

Perseus Digital Library PhilEvents:

Upcoming Events in PhilosophyPhilPapers:

Online Research in Philosophy


Philosopher's Digest

Philosophy as a Blood Sport

Philosophical Journals

Philosophy Journals

Philosophy Paperboy

Philosophy Research Base

Pragmatism Archive


Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Meta-Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Internet Encyclopedia

Stanford Encyclopedia

Philosophy Sites

Aesthetics On-Line

American Philosophical Society

Angelaki: Journal of Theory

Best Philosophy Resources

Center for Dewey Studies

Classics Archive

Eighteenth-Century Philosophy Online Resources

Episteme Links

Experimental Philosophy Page

Exploring Plato's Dialogues and Ancient Greece

Philosophy on the Internet


Hegel Society of America

Hegel Resource

Heidegger Glossary of Terms in Being & Time

Internet Sacred Text Archive

Marxists Internet Archive

Midsouth Philosophy Conference

New Advent

Northwest Philosophy Conference

Personalist Forum


Philosophers' Magazine

Philosophical Counseling

Philosophical Journals

Philosophical Writings - Journal

Philosophy Links

Philosophy News Service

Philosophy of Mind Dictionary

Philosophy Portal

Philosophy Updates

Pragmatism Website

Pulp Culture's Guide to Theory

Reid Society

Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy (SAAP)

Society for Asian and Comparative Philosophy

Society for German Idealism

Society for Phenomenology & Existential Philosophy (SPEP)

Problems from Wilfrid Sellars


Tanner Humanities Center

Theoretical Biology, Philosophy of Biology


Roberto Unger

Utilitarian Philosophers

Wittgenstein Links

Slavoj Zizek

Search Engines

Hippias Philosophy Search

Guide to Philosophy on the Internet

Noesis Search Engine


J. M. Fritzman

Department of Philosophy

Lewis & Clark College

0615 SW Palatine Hill Road

Portland, OR 97219-7899

