Lab Procedures

Running Experiments

To set up a new system, make a copy of config/ in config/ Edit the file for the paths on the system.

To run an experiment:

java -ea -cp /path/to/Orego/binaries/ edu.lclark.orego.experiment.Broadcast

To see the results of the latest (possibly still ongoing) experiment, do the same thing with Collate instead of Broadcast.

To kill existing experiments, use KillExperiment.

To check for statistical significance, use Significance, with three command-line arguments: the number of games per condition, the number of wins in condition A, and the number of wins in condition B.

On Fido, these commands are in the script broadcast.bash, collate.bash, kill-experiment.bash, and significance.bash.

To back up Fido, log in as root and run grsync.

Running the Computer Go Test Collection

1. Download the Computer Go Test Collection.

2. Have gogui installed, see installation page for how to do this.

3. Navigate in terminal to the cgtc folder and run the tests using the command

java -jar /path/to/gogui/folder/lib/gogui-regress.jar "java -ea -cp /path/to/orego/bin -Xmx1024M edu.lclark.orego.ui.Orego cgtc" *.tst

5. When the test is finished running, open the index.html file inside the cgtc folder to see your results.

It make be convenient to make a symbolic link to use in place of /path/to/orego/bin.