
If you have any trouble installing Orego, please let us know!

Getting Orego

There are two methods of installing Orego described in this document:

  • downloading and compiling the source code (if you want to work on the code)

  • downloading the precompiled .jar file (if you only want to play against Orego)

Compiling from Source (requires Java and the Java Development Kit)

If you want to contribute to the Orego project and are comfortable with Git, you can get the latest version of the Orego code by cloning our GitHub repository using http. This will allow you to modify the code on your own machine and issue a pull request to get your changes into the main line of development.

Otherwise, you can download the source code directly: go to and click on the ZIP button to download a .zip file with the entire Orego codebase. Unzip the file into a directory of your choice.

If you are using an integrated development environment like Eclipse or NetBeans, you can let it compile the code for you. Otherwise, you can do so on the command line; within the directory where the code is located, issue the following commands.

On Linux or Mac OS X:

find . -name "*.java" | grep -v Test > sources.txt

javac @sources.txt

On Windows:

dir /s /B *.java | findstr /v Test > sources.txt

javac @sources.txt

Now the program is compiled and you can run it. See the Running Orego section below for more information.

Obtaining a Precompiled Binary (requires Java)

If you don't want to compile Orego yourself, you can download a precompiled .jar file here.

In Linux or Mac OS X, execute the following commands at the command line:

mkdir orego

cd orego

tar -xf /path/to/jar/file/<filename>.jar

In Windows:

  • Change the file's extension from .jar to .zip.

  • Right click on the .zip file > Open With > Windows Explorer.

  • Extract All Files to a folder of your choice.

Running Orego

You can run Orego with the following command:

java -ea -Xmx1024M edu.lclark.orego.ui.Orego

(If you compiled from source, make sure you are in the src directory when you execute this command.)

When you run Orego it will not output anything until you tell it to do something. Orego communicates using the Go Text Protocol (GTP), a text-based protocol implemented by many computer Go programs. If you run the program directly as in the directions above, you can play with it using GTP commands as in the following example. If you want to use a graphical interface instead, see below.






















play black d10























genmove white

= O17
























To run Orego with a graphical interface, you can attach it to GoGui:

  1. Install GoGui from

  2. Run GoGui and click on Program > New Program.

  3. In the Command field type the same command you use to run Orego above. If you want to run Orego with a boardsize of 9x9 (rather than the default 19x19), add boardsize=9 to the end of the line.

  4. In the Working directory field give the path to the directory where you installed Orego.

  5. Click OK twice.