Class Expectations

1) Students are to adhere to the code of conduct established by the school. These are located in the student agenda. Additionally, students/parents should be familiar with the Sport-Etudes parent handbook, which outlines specific regulations regarding the program. Furthermore, health measures that have been put in place by the Quebec Health Ministry for schools are to be followed at all times. As the school year unfolds, these regulations may be adjusted, given the ongoing pandemic.

Finally, cheating or plagiarism on classwork/homework assignments /assessments (quizzes or tests) or term papers can be subject to a grade of ‘0’. To learn more about plagiarism, and how to avoid it, parents and students can consult this online resource:

2) Students are expected to have all the necessary materials required for learning before they arrive at class (pens/pencils, a subject binder with paper, and so forth - see course outlines for specifics). The teacher and/or classmates are strictly prohibited from sharing missing supplies with a student. This also includes textbooks, class novels, or magazines that may be distributed throughout the year. Damage or loss of JRHS property will result in the student paying for it to be replaced.

3) Proper classroom behavior must be maintained at all times. This not only concerns how students act towards the teacher, but how they act (through actions and in speaking) to their peers. Should the government need to put in place any special regulations regarding the ongoing pandemic, they will be strictly enforced for the health and safety of all school students, and the school personnel. This could include sanitizing hands, proper wearing of masks, and any other protocol as directed by the government in our school buildings.

Under no circumstance will violence (verbal or physical - even if it is done in a 'joking' manner) be welcomed at any time in the classroom.

If a student wishes to speak to the teacher about an issue that is personally affecting them, they are welcome to do so outside of class time (during breaks or in morning ped support), so the teacher and student can work together on how to improve the situation.

Students who, after a verbal warning, continue to disrupt the lesson/learning environment of their peers, may be asked to leave the classroom. Often, a principal or vice-principal may be contacted to escort the student from the room. The teacher may ask the student(s) to reflect on their behavior(s) before returning to the class. This guided reflective exercise may need to be signed by parents, shown to the administration, and will serve as a guide on how to stay on good terms in the course. This will remain on file at the school.

4) Students who arrive late to class will be welcomed to the room when it is no longer disruptive to the teaching of the class/learning of their peers (if there is a quiz or test being taken, the student will be assigned a PED support block by their teacher to complete the evaluation after all students have completed the evaluation).

If lateness or arriving to class without the tools for learning becomes chronic, the teacher reserves the right to have the student discuss solutions with the teacher/an administrator, either during or outside of class time.

5) Students should make use of the washrooms between classes. If an emergency arises, the teacher will allow students to leave the class to use the washroom, otherwise, they will be asked to wait until the end of the block.

6) Food and drink (besides a water bottle) are not permitted in the classroom during instruction time. Students requiring a snack should eat either before the start of S-block, during the 5-minute break between classes, during the 15-minutes at recess, or at lunch hour in the areas designated by the school.

7) Outside technology (i.e. cell phones, earbuds, or headsets) are not to be brought to the classroom. Kindly leave these devices in your locker before you arrive at class. Students caught with a device will have it removed on the first offense. On repeated offense, the device will be given to the administration for them to decide how best to proceed with returning the item.

8) Students who are anticipating being absent due to their sport are required to meet with their teachers and complete a Sport Absence Form as soon as their coaches inform them of an anticipated event. The form can be acquired by clicking the link on the John Rennie website, under the Sport-Etudes heading. Mr. Bedic will be providing students with a tutorial on how to do this at the beginning of the school year.

Homework and assignments that were given in advance of the scheduled absence must be handed in / submitted to the teacher BEFORE the student leaves for competition. Students who do not submit in advance of a known absence may, at the discretion of the teacher, be given a grade of '0' for not completing the work.

9) After missing a class, students will need to consult this website. They can also speak to a peer (ideally, another student from the class who is both responsible and who was also not absent) to gather any notes/info/homework assigned. The online agenda should be consulted for what work is to be completed at home, along with due dates. Handouts can be collected by downloading them from the section of this website that is designated for their course or from Google Classroom ( and often students can use digital tools to work on and turn in work, without being physically present at school.

Please complete assignments prior to attending the next class, whenever possible, to avoid falling behind/requiring to attend PED support to catch up to the group.

In the advent of a surprise absence (i.e. illness, family matters, transportation issues), students should be proactive, consult the PED support schedule and email their coaches and teachers their plan for making up the missed class time/assessments, if necessary. Please note that to not fall behind, students should attend the most immediate/upcoming PED support block for their teacher.

10) Students who are struggling in the course, along with those who are falling behind academically (not completing homework assignments / not working effectively during class time, etc...) may be required by the teacher to attend PED support to maintain successful standing in the course. At least a 24-hour notice will be provided to allow students to contact their coaches / inform them about the situation and to make the proper arrangements.

11) Missed tests and quizzes can be made up during PED support. The PED support schedule is found physically in the Sport-Etudes hallways and will be posted in the classroom for students to consult.

12) Test/quiz/assignment results will be sent to students via Google Classroom. Please note that the student GAFE account (Google Apps for Education), issued by the LBPSB may be required to see these grades, to ensure the confidentiality of all students.

13) Due to the accelerated nature of the program, homework will be frequently assigned. The purpose of homework is to finish off classwork, to use digital tools to ensure the best possible final production (i.e. spell and/or grammar check), learn how to properly use ICT, to learn, review and reinforce lessons/learning. Work that is late or not submitted may be given an extension, however, it is up to the teacher to decide if this should happen and when the new deadline shall be. Barring exceptional circumstances (i.e. illness, family matters, and so forth), a deduction in marks may be applied to work that has been given an extension. Students who still do not turn in the work, despite the arranged accommodations, may be given a grade of '0' for not submitting their work.

14) PED. support is meant to be an opportunity for students to ask questions of their teacher and to complete missed quizzes or tests. Students who are disrespectful of others who are working or who have to be reminded repeatedly to use this time effectively may be asked to find another classroom or to move to another location so as to not disrupt the work of others. It will be left to the discretion of the teacher if the student can enter in subsequent blocks. Please note that a student is not permitted to leave an afternoon ped support until the block ends (this includes if they complete all the necessary tasks that they originally signed up for with me).

For the 2022-2023 school year, Mr. Wilds offers morning drop-in ped support (7:30-8:00) on Days 3 and 5. Afternoon scheduled/by appointment (12:55-1:45) blocks are available on Days 3 and 6 in room 217. If students require additional help by attending an afternoon ped support block, kindly make your request 24 hours in advance by email and include what specifically needs to be worked upon so I can adequately prepare to help you. If I am able to accommodate/assist, I will reply and let the student know that they have been successfully signed up.

15) Students in the Sports-Etudes program have the privilege to have occasional access to technology (i.e. iPads/Chromebooks) purchased to enhance their learning experience. Students using these devices should understand that these shared school devices belong to JRHS and are not their personal property. Any damage or inappropriate behavior with borrowed technology can result in a variety of consequences, ranging from having to replace the device to sanctions prohibiting access to using these devices.

16) In the advent of the closing of the school, the teacher will quickly transition to an online way of teaching. Throughout the school year, several educational technologies will be used for communicative and learning purposes. Here is a list of a few, along with some handy links to instruct students/parents about them.

Google Classroom (How-to guide for Parents)

G Suite for Education (Docs, Slides, Forms, Meet, Sites, Gmail)

Scholastic Scope Online (Student Log-In)

Pear Deck Interactive

Flipgrid (Instructional Video for Students)

Adobe Spark (Instructional Video)

Looking forward to a successful 2022-2023 school year!

Mr. Wilds