Teacher Leader Standards

TLS 1: Professional Learning Community

Teacher leader supports the work of collaborative learning teams by modeling best practices and building the capacity of teachers to increase student learning.

TLS 2: Relationships

Teacher leader develops and sustains trusting, productive relationships with teacher, administrators, and other colleagues individually and in teams to implement best practices and close the achievement gap in a culture of collaboration.

TLS 3: Data Analysis

Teacher leader facilitates teachers' collection, analysis and use of varied data to identify student learning needs; plan instruction to address the identified needs; and assess student progress toward the expected outcomes.

TLS 4: Content

Teacher leader deepens teacher understanding about language arts, math, or other selected content; provides a variety of professional learning opportunities based upon student and teacher needs.

TLS 5: Curriculum

Teacher leader facilitates dialogue about the structure and alignment of the curriculum through the use of pacing guides and curriculum maps; facilitates the "unwrapping" of standards to identify essential knowledge/skills and student outcomes.

TLS 6: Instruction

Teacher leader supports the development of units and lessons using Iowa Core standards, student data and classroom instruction that works best practices for teaching and learning.

TLS 7: Assessment

Teacher leader develops assessment literacy to facilitate teachers' design and use of formative and summative assessment tools to plan instruction and measure student learning.

TLS 8: Personal and Professional Beliefs

Teacher leader recognizes and reflects on how their own personal and professional beliefs influence their perception, decisions, and actions; expands their knowledge, develops skills, and models continuous learning.

TLS 9: Professional Practices

Teacher leader communicates the vision of instructional coaching; serves as a catalyst for change; and uses a variety of professional practices to organize, document, and assess the impact of their work.

The Team

Instructional Coach

Kayla Lundt


Kami Busch

Jeff Firsching

Mike Meyer

Carrie Rice

Randy Uhl

Why TLC?

* Attract and retain teachers *

* Promote Collaboration *

* Reward professional growth *

* Improve student achievement *

~ Iowa Department of Education ~