
Image by Monic Heinen Diakité from Pixabay

Permaculture - Wikipedia › wiki › Permaculture

Permaculture is an approach to land management and philosophy that adopts arrangements observed in flourishing natural ecosystems. It includes a set of design principles derived using whole systems thinking. It uses these principles in fields such as regenerative agriculture, rewilding, and community resilience.

Holzer Permaculture · ‎Category:Permaculture... · ‎List of permaculture projects

  1. Andrew Millison permaculture videos, click here.

  2. Discover Permaculture with Geoff Lawton

  3. Pete Kanaris GreenDreamsTV

      1. Jimi Sol: Animations regarding ecology and farming

  4. Huw Richards: vegetable garden following organic and sustainable principles.

  1. Permaculture in India