If you have any questions that aren't answered here please send an email to mgreenbaum@lasdschools.org

1. How can I request financial assistance?

Pursuant to Education Code section 35335, a school district may charge a fee for school camp programs or outdoor science programs provided that the payment is not mandatory and no student is denied the opportunity to participate in the outdoor science program because of nonpayment of the fee.

The Yosemite program is only possible with the support of voluntary fees. Please know this donation is not required to participate; yet insufficient funding will result in cancellation of the trip. The fee per student will be $660, which includes transportation, tuition, room and board, and fees for activities in the Valley.

A $150 voluntary deposit, along with a signed Parent Essentials Agreement, is requested before March 30th, 2018. The deposit is non-refundable due to the early transportation commitments and NatureBridge Yosemite costs. The voluntary fee balance of $510 is due no later than September 14th, 2018. At this point we will determine if we are able to finance the program based on the voluntary fees collected. Insufficient funds will result in a cancellation of the trip. Checks can be made out to Blach School. Unfortunately, if a student becomes ill while on the trip, there will be no refund.

1a. Why is the deposit non-refundable?

We plan for a certain number of students and we have to pay for in advance the buses, deposits to NatureBridge and budget for a certain number of adults. That amount is calculated into the fees. If we have fewer than our allocated students, we still have to pay that amount. As a result we keep the deposit, and can only refund you what we don't have to pay to NatureBridge since you are not attending.

2. Do I have to go the Parent Meeting?

We recommend you attend the information meeting for the trip. If for some reason you cannot make it to the meeting, please review the on-line presentation that will be posted the week of the meeting.

3. I've heard about the Hantavirus problems in Yosemite. Is it safe for my child to stay in the Curry Village tent cabins?

Your child's safety and well-being in NatureBridge and Blach's top priority. Yosemite National Park has just finished renovating Curry Village and made changes to the design of the tent cabins. The new single-walled tent design is actually the old design that has been used in most of the Park for 100+ years. None of the single-walled tents in Curry Village were affected last summer. The affected tents were double-walled, insulated tents, none of which exist in Curry anymore. More information can be found on the NatureBridge website by clicking here.

4. Is the Stewardship form in the packet required for students or are you looking for adult volunteers?

Stewardship activities are a regular part of the trip for students so the form IS REQUIRED for all STUDENTS. This form is not for parents, and is not a request to volunteer. If you are interested in chaperoning, please visit the chaperone info page.

5. Is there a store in Yosemite, and if so how much money should I bring?

There is a gift and snack shop in Curry Village, and a store where you can buy NatureBridge items that support their scholarship program. Some students choose to visit the store to buy trinkets, or other small remembrances of Yosemite. You and your parents can budget your money for this as you see fit. You do not need to buy any food there, but some kids do. If you do buy snacks then please remember they MUST be eaten OUTSIDE of your tent cabin.

6. Do I need to supply the authorized Over the Counter Medication?

No, if you and your physician have authorized the medications listed specifically on the OTC medication form, then you do not need to supply them. If you have alternatives, for example your child will only take liquid Tylenol, then you should complete and submit the form as if it was a prescription medication. We will only administer medication authorized by you, and your physician. We cannot administer any others. Please do not include any extra medications in your prescription bag (distributed before the trip) beyond those on the label. The label has the list of items we have authorization to administer. Any others will be left at school and returned to you.

7. Can I add my own OTC medications to the medication bag?

No, please do not add any other medications, even if they are over the counter. If your child routinely takes these OTC medications, then complete the physician's authorization form that we use for prescription medication. If it is possible for your child to skip these medications for the week, for example vitamin tablets, then please consider doing that so we don't have as many items to worry about.

8. What if my child becomes sick just before the trip and is taking medication for it?

Please take the prescription authorization form with you when you visit the doctor. Have it completed in the event that the child will be taking the medication during the trip. Provide the authorization form to Ms. Greenbaum by the Wednesday before we leave so all documents can be updated. Please keep in mind that if your child is sick, it is better for them to stay home, especially if they have had an infectious disease like the flu. We would like students to be free from fever for at least 24 hours without any medication before attending. Also, if a child is vomiting or has other symptoms of a viral infection, please keep them at home until that condition stops. If your child does not attend, you are eligible for a partial refund.

9. My child is sick on the weekend before the trip, but they are better by Tuesday. Can I bring them up for the rest of the week?

Please keep in mind that if your child is sick, it is better for them to stay home, especially if they have had an infectious disease like the flu. We would like students to be free from fever for at least 24 hours without any medication before attending. Also, if a child is vomiting or has other symptoms of a viral infection, please keep them at home until that condition stops. If your child does not attend, you are eligible for a partial refund. If your child is well enough to attend early in the week, and you can bring them to Yosemite, yes you may. Contact the office for the phone number to make arrangements. Keep in mind that you will pay the full week's tuition even if you attend for only part of the week.