
How can you support the FIRST teams near you? 

Well, if you are a student, get involved! The best way a young person like yourself can support the FIRST teams near you, is to participate in FIRST. By offering up all knowledge and prior experiences, your contribution has an immediate positive affect on the brain storming process. Just by joining a FIRST team, you have provided your FIRST "family" with immense support.  

If you are an adult there are several ways your can aide the FIRST teams near you. First off, if you have student in FIRST and would like to volunteer as a parent volunteer, let us know! Teams are always open to members of the community with engineering or design backgrounds, and/or those with any interest in those fields, to aid a hand during the season. Reach out to the coaches, students, or volunteers connected to FIRST, if you would like to become involved. Secondly, if you work at a company that may have the possibility to provide teams with any type of support, let them know that your workplace may have interest in being a help to the team. Even if you reach out, but in the end you cant provide any services, your effort is immensely appreciated. Just by showing interest, you may have provided future connections. For all of your effort and support, we FIRST team 2861 Infinity's End, are extremely thankful. We couldn't do any of this without you!

Thinking of support FIRST?...

Information on the FIRST programs in general:

Contact information for FIRST team, 2861 Infinity's End: 


Twitter- @frc2861