Classroom Information

Phone: 541-663-3246

Please join our CLASS DOJO with the invite sent home in your kindergarten information folder. If you no longer have an invite, please email me and I will send you another.

Student Clever Login

Island City Elementary Website

Mrs. Droke’s Class

General Kindergarten Information

School Phone 541-663-3271


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday- 8:05 am to 2:35 pm

Wednesday Late Start- 9:05 am to 2:35 pm

Morning Drop-off

Class will begin promptly at 8:05 am each M-T-Th-F and 9:05 am each Wednesday. The door to the classroom will not be open until 8:00 am, (9:00 am on Wednesday), as there may not always be supervision for the students until that time. Breakfast will be available to all students beginning at 7:35 am (8:35 am on Wednesday) in the school’s gym/cafeteria. Parents and children are also asked to arrive no earlier than 7:35 am as no supervision is available before that time.

Afternoon Pick-up

When picking up your child at school, please wait outside. Staff will bring the students to a waiting area outside for release each day at 2:35 pm. Parents picking up students from school should meet at the grass area off of the North end of the gym, at the Parent drive through/parking lot. Please make sure your child gives the teacher a high-five before leaving.

Bus Riders

Please let me know if your child will be riding a bus and what bus they need to be on. The bus company number is 541-963-6119. The bus company WILL NOT drop off any kindergartner who does not have an adult waiting for them at their bus stop or a note verifying a responsible older sibling to walk with. If no one is there, the bus driver will keep them on the bus and return them to school. If there is a change in transportation, please call the school office or bring a note to the classroom teacher.


Breakfast will be available to students between 7:35 and 8:00 am every morning, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday, and every Wednesday morning at 8:35-9:00 am. Kindergarteners eat lunch between 10:50-11:10 every day.

If your child brings lunch from home, please be sure to put their name on their lunch box, and include an ice pack if there is anything that needs to stay cold.

Supply Fees

School supplies have been purchased for each student in the class. Each class is asking for $35 per student to cover supply costs. Please bring money for supply costs as soon as possible. If you need to pay in installments, let us know and we can make arrangements. All supply fees should be taken or mailed to the district office, 1305 N Willow St. or given to Dena Tams at the Island City Elementary office.


Please send a note in their backpack, either for a pre-arranged absence or after an absence has occurred. You can also call the office on the day(s) your child is absent (This would be the most secure way for me to get the information).

After School Change of Plans

If you need to change how your child gets home from their normal schedule, please send a note to school or call the office. If your child is usually on the bus, you need to also call the bus company.


On each child’s birthday, they will have a special day at school!

  • Please let me know if your family does not celebrate birthdays.

  • If you would like to send treats to school on your child’s birthday, please let the teacher know in advance. Classroom birthdays will be celebrated between 1:30-1:45 pm on the school day closest to their actual birthday.

  • All summer birthdays will be celebrated together in the Spring.

  • Please do not bring invitations for after school parties/activities to the school or classroom.


Please make sure your child does not bring toys to school unless specifically asked by the teacher. The school, nor the teacher, will be responsible for lost or stolen items.

Medicines At School

If your child needs medicine while at school (including inhalers) a parent needs to bring it into the school office in its original container and fill out the proper paperwork from the secretary.


  • We will have snack time once per day.

  • Please send a healthy snack for the whole class once a month.

  • It is prefered that the snacks be pre-packaged and individually wrapped.

Here are examples of healthy snacks vs. not healthy snacks

Healthy 😊



Baby Carrots

Boxed Raisins

Teddy Graham Crackers

Granola Bars

Animal Crackers

Granola Bars


Not Healthy 😕


Potato Chips


Fruit Snacks

Fruit Roll-Ups

NOTE: If you’d like to bring fruit, a suggestion may be applesauce pouches, or pre-packaged apple slices. I do have a mini fridge in my classroom.

Field Trips

We will go on at least one field trip this year. When we have details, information and permission slips will be sent home.


  • Bathroom accidents happen sometimes. Please keep an extra set of clothes in your child’s backpack just in case.

  • We will use paint and glue in the classroom regularly. Please make sure your child wears clothes that can withstand stains.

  • Flip-flops and slip-on sandals are often very cute, but not very practical or safe for playground activities.

Potty Accidents

Kindergarten students will have bathroom accidents now and then. The school’s protocol for students who have bathroom accidents at school are as follows:

  • the student must bring a change of clothes or change clothes at school if the school has the correct sizes.

  • if the student has an accident then the student must clean and change themselves.

  • if the student can not clean himself or herself, then the parent is called in to assist the student.

  • If parents are unable to come in, then emergency contacts are called.

  • As you know this all changes with a medical diagnosis and a 504 or IEP.

PE: The class will have P.E. each Monday and Wednesday with Mrs. Anderson. Please have students wear shoes that are appropriate for running and jumping on this day, or have them bring a pair of sneakers that they can change into.

Media: Students have a media time (Library) every Tuesday with Miss Marylin , and will be allowed to check out one book to keep for 1 week.

Music: Students will have music every Thursday and Friday with Mrs. Dunlap.

Counseling: The school’s counselor is Mrs. Turner and she will be visiting each of the classrooms for whole group lessons. She is also available for small group lessons as well.


Please write your child’s name inside their coat and backpack. Every year we have students with the same clothes and it is helpful if they have their names inside.

Tuesday Folders

  • Every Tuesday, your child will bring home newsletters and classroom work in his or her Tuesday Home Communication Folder.

  • Please clean out the folder, and return it the following school day after looking through all of the materials. This will be the primary home/school communicator.

Classroom/Behavior Management

We spend a lot of time in kindergarten building a community and learning how to get along well with others.

In September and throughout the year we spend a considerable amount of time learning problem solving strategies. Kids also learn how to become good listeners and good helpers. Students will be encouraged to maintain safe, kind, respectful, and responsible behaviors. We use a lot of positive reinforcement in class to help kids continue to make good choices at school. Good behavior is always celebrated and rewarded.

Sometimes kindergarteners test their boundaries and for some children it can be difficult to learn how to be a helpful student. Unfortunately, consequences are sometimes necessary.

If your child has a problem behavior in class, he/she will first be redirected. Then he or she will receive a verbal warning. If the behavior continues, he/she will be asked to briefly refocus in another area, possibly outside of the classroom.

What does it mean to have problem behaviors in class? Here are some examples:

  • Excessive talking during instruction

  • Rough play

  • Being disruptive

  • Defiant or noncompliant behavior

  • Misuse or harming of classroom materials

  • Physically hurting others

  • Saying mean or hurtful words to others

In the case of hitting, kicking or any other behavior causing harm to others, children will instantly be sent to a refocus area and may result in a call to the parents. Upon the discretion of the teacher/principal, students may be asked to leave school for the day.

If behavior problems continue consistently, the student will be placed on a behavior intervention system. Their behavior will be monitored closely during each classroom activity throughout the day and will receive a reward for good behavior.

Positive behavior is rewarded with “Caught Bee-ing Good” tickets. Teachers often hand out Bee tickets for students who have been caught being safe, respectful, or responsible throughout the day. Please celebrate with your child when they receive these in class!

Thank you for your support in making this a memorable and successful school year!