
Welcome to my portfolio's website

In this website you can see all information and documents collected on my academic progress, contribution and achievements during the academic year. My name is Srwa Ali Mohammed. I am assistant Prof. with Master degree in Microbial Genetic,

teaching in the Faculty of Science and Health

at Koya University in Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq

Publications: 6 Journal Articles +7 Conf. papers+ 2 Books

Citation: 8

h-index: 1

e-mail: srwa.ali@koyauniversity.org

Mobile: (+964) - 07701455173

My Portfolio & CAD (PF&CAD) (Hyperlink)

I teach several topics at my faculty, i.e.

1. Theory of Antimicrobial Agents

2. Practical of Antimicrobial Agents

3. Theory of Medical Bacteriology

4.Practical Medical Bacteriology

My research interests focus on;

1- Effects of several types of kurdish medicinal plant on bacterial virulence factors and using it as curing agent.

2- Isolation and identification of these microorganisms that causes nosocomial infection.

3- Reducing biofilm that produce by different bacterial species by different sorts of medicinal plant extracts.

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