Academic publications

Note: This page contains your publications in this academic year (September 2014 - September 2015) that may include;

1. Conference paper (needs; Farmani Zankoi, copy of the proceeding paper, web-link)

2. Research paper in a national Journal (needs; Acceptance letter and/or copy of the paper, web-link)

3. Research paper in an International journal (needs; Acceptance letter and/or copy of the paper, web-link)

4. Research paper in an International journal with impact factor (needs; Acceptance letter and/or copy of the paper, web-link to or proof of impact factor)

5. Book upon university request (needs: Farmani Zankoi, book cover copy, web-link)

6. National book outside the University (needs: book cover copy, and other proofs, web-link)

7. International book outside the University (needs: book cover copy, and other proofs, web-link)

8. Book translation upon university request (needs: Farmani Zankoi, book cover copy, weblink)

9. National book translation outside the university (needs: book cover copy, and other proofs, web-link)

10. International book translation outside the university (needs: book cover copy, and other proofs, web-link)

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