Academic Profile

(+964) - 7730121004

Koya - Kurdistan - Iraq

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ORCID: 0000-0002-2724-5118

Assistant Prof.Dr. Nawzat Rashad

PhD, stratigraphy & sedimentology

Outline Biography

Nawzat was awarded a BSc in Geology by Mosul University, Iraq,in 1980,and an MSc and PhD in Stratigraphy and Paleontology in 1989 and 2006, respectively .I was worked as a geologist in the geological survey and mineralogical investigation company in Iraq (Baghdad) with participated in numerous geological projects between 1990 - 1996.I was Assistant Lecturer in Salah-Aldin University (Department of Geology) between 1997- 2003, with supervised many students projects. I am presently Assist.Prof.Dr. in the Geotechnical Engineering Department of Koya University, Iraq.

Research Interests

Nawzat research interests have been in the study of engineering geology , structure , stratigraphy ,mining and sedimentology of the rock units.

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