Academic Profile

Outline Biography

Dr. Mohammed has a PhD degree in Nano Materials, with an academic title of assistant professor. He is an academic staff in the department of Physics (DPHY) in the Faculty of Science and Health (FSCH) at Koya University. He has started his academic work at Koya University in January 2005.

He has completed his B.Sc. degree in Materials Science from School of Applied Sciences at the University of Technology-Baghdad in 2001 and after that he directly joined the master study and awarded his M.Sc. degree in Applied Physics from the same school and university in 2004.

He has successfully completed his doctoral study and awarded the Ph.D. degree in Nano Materials from Department of Materials Science and Engineering at University of Sheffield-United Kingdom in 2016.

During the period of his Ph.D. study, he participated in many conferences and meetings. He published many journal and conference papers in a reputably journals of high impact factors. In addition, he contributed in many different national and international conferences and meetings and gave a variety of talks and seminars in Nano Materials topic.

From 16/11/2016 to 17/9/2020, he was the head of Physics Department-Faculty of Science and Health at Koya University.

Research Interests

  • Nano Materials.

  • Electron Microscopy.

  • Glass and Amorphous Materials.

    • Nano-particles Preparation.

د. محمد فائق محمد صبري

دكتورا لة بواري مادةي نانو بة نازناوي زانستي بروفيسوري ياريدةدةر. ستافي ئةكاديمي بةشي فيزياية لة فةكلتي زانست و تةندروستي لة زانكوي كوية. لة مانكي يةكي سالي 2005 لة زانكوي كوية دامةزرا. خويندني بكالوريوسي لة بواري زانستي ماددة لة سكولي زانستة كردارةكان لة زانكوي تةكنولوجيا لة شاري بةغدا لة سالي 2001 تةواو كرد و باشان خويندني ماستةري لة بواري فيزياي كرداري لة هةمان سكول و زانكؤ لة سالي 2004 تةواو كرد. لة سالي 2016، خويندني دكتوراي لة بواري ماددةي نانو لة بةشي زانست و ئةندازياري ماددة لة زانكؤي شيفيلد لة ولاتي بةريتانيا تةواو كرد.

بةشداري لة جةند كونفرانس و كؤر و وورك شوبي ناوخويي و نيودةولةتي كردية و جةندةها تويزينةوةي بلاوكراوي هةية لة كؤفارة نيودةولةتيةكاني خاوةن ئيمباكت فاكتةري بةرز. هةروةها جةند سيميناري بيشكةش كردوة لة بواري نانو. لة ريكةوتي 16-11-2016 تا 17-9-2020، سةرؤكي بةشي فيزيا بو لة فةكلتي زانست و تةندروستي لة زانكوي كوية.